The post below is the latest post from the developer of Descent Underground about the IG bundle. Oh dear! The developer, please stop talking, it makes things even worse! Getting information from Wiki pages, mistaking the date of the bundle... I almost lost faith in their game. What a mess...
"This is from their wiki page: 'Just like in Humble Bundle, buyers can set the revenue split between the developers, charities and organizers.'
Ours has a 30% rev split with charities, as I said on the last page - we are not making any money on this - we did this because it was a good deed - it is discouraging to read all this stuff on here - I mean why the heck would we release it so cheaply, right after a big Winter sale?
For the last time - we were contacted about doing the bundle for charity, we agreed - thought it was for later in the month - (our mistake) and it was for this week.
Or, maybe we are just super EVIL devs who want to give away our work...BWAHAHAHAHAHA.