Posted December 29, 2015

Woodie Guthrie's Guitar!
Registered: Dec 2011
From United Kingdom

Registered: Feb 2011
From Portugal
Posted December 29, 2015

this guy has nothing to do ?

In short, "we're cool".
Now i have to break the chain and post some... deal. Uhm... uhm... has some free apps, i would post the link but my internet is all f'd up today so i can't even open the page without the modem disconnecting, it had... uhm... Lifeline, a game where some astronaut will send you messages throught the day and you have to give her advices. Yeah... It's almost like a tamagoshi.

Need fresh blood :)
Registered: Nov 2011
From France

Registered: May 2011
From Australia
Posted December 29, 2015
The cheapest price Pillars of Eternity (Steam) has been at Greenman Gaming 60% off @ US$17.99 plus use VOUCHER CODE: XMAS20-PERGMG-SVINGS reducing the price to US$14.40 or a total of 68% off.
Also if you own the 3 Van Helsing games, there is a new version out called The Final Cut, that you can get for free by logging into their site with your Steam account . The official post about it is on the Steam forums [url=]here.
It has trading cards too :)
Also if you own the 3 Van Helsing games, there is a new version out called The Final Cut, that you can get for free by logging into their site with your Steam account . The official post about it is on the Steam forums [url=]here.
It has trading cards too :)

Registered: Sep 2013
From Belize
Posted December 29, 2015
high rated
Call me when Pillars hits 85%. :)
I miss so much these days by refusing to open an account at itch. It's so grand. :)
I miss so much these days by refusing to open an account at itch. It's so grand. :)

The Puzzlemaster
Registered: Dec 2012
From United States
Posted December 29, 2015
I've just started upvoting you because of this. If I see people with negative rep and who seem generally well-liked by the community, I try to dig 'em out a little bit since I'm guessing they got buried by the bots.

Registered: Apr 2012
From Other
Posted December 29, 2015

Also if you own the 3 Van Helsing games, there is a new version out called The Final Cut, that you can get for free by logging into their site with your Steam account . The official post about it is on the Steam forums [url=]here.
It has trading cards too :)

Registered: May 2011
From Australia
Posted December 29, 2015

Also if you own the 3 Van Helsing games, there is a new version out called The Final Cut, that you can get for free by logging into their site with your Steam account . The official post about it is on the Steam forums [url=]here.
It has trading cards too :)

"I recommend folowing brown's advice, ask for a steam key. I asked for one while trying to get a confirmation that I would still get a GOG copy, they were just fine with it, didn't raised any objections, so regardless of owning or not a steam copy we will get the GOG copy when it finally arrives here."
From Van Helsing GOG forums

Major Blockhead
Registered: Apr 2010
From Germany
Posted December 29, 2015
UPlay via Steam seems to be cheaper at the moment. I was tempted by the offer for a moment but I keep reading about crashes and savegames vanishing in the PC version, which wouldn't be a first for Ubisoft (see the issue with the Rayman Origin savegame getting corrupted, forcing you to start from scratch). :(

Registered: Feb 2011
From Portugal
Posted December 29, 2015
Nuuvem ($7.25)? :p
Thank you but don't bother, Gog and the twat made rep useless, the awareness of my person works better anyway... *continues distribuing profile pamphlets*
Thank you but don't bother, Gog and the twat made rep useless, the awareness of my person works better anyway... *continues distribuing profile pamphlets*

LowEnd Gamer
Registered: Oct 2009
From United States
Posted December 29, 2015

I find it pretty annoying having to 2 game-clients bothering me.
As for the reports. Always check the the entry-date. Sometimes they date back to release date and are obsolete.
Awesome Game, if you ask me. had no problem with loosing saves, yet.
Post edited December 29, 2015 by dyscode

Registered: Mar 2010
From United States
Posted December 29, 2015

Major Blockhead
Registered: Apr 2010
From Germany
Posted December 29, 2015
I think some of them were fairly recent, from November or so. And I recall that all some Ubisoft official had to say about the Rayman issue was to back up your savegames in the Explorer, so I don't have high hopes of this problem being patched. I'm aware that many will play through the game without experiencing this issue, but the possibility of it occurring to some random players (which might be me) is scary enough for me not to touch it. I don't want to play through 70% of the game or so only to see my savegame erased before I get to complete it, as I have absolutely no interest in replaying games.

LowEnd Gamer
Registered: Oct 2009
From United States
Posted December 29, 2015

Awesome Game, if you ask me. had no problem with loosing saves, yet.


Major Blockhead
Registered: Apr 2010
From Germany
Posted December 29, 2015
I'll give that program a try, thanks!