expopower: The popular reaction to this has been...probably a bit more lukewarm than Humble Bundle would have liked. (If you feel like visiting Reddit, you can
gaze upon the tide of angry rumblings here.).
I think it's still a nice selection of games, but maybe Humble needs to adjust the balance of preorder risk-reward so there are a lot fewer cases of buyer's remorse when the contents are revealed. (Not an easy problem to solve, as demonstrated by Groupees...but hopefully they'll work it out before too many subscribers drop off.)
Niggles: "What's up with the disappointment? It's 2$ per game, what the hell?
[–]Jamesbuc[S] 6 points 2 hours ago
A mix of reasons.
One being that quality wise its full of niche titles (With the exception of Saints Row IV but that's another issue in of itself) with two multiplayer focused games (Towerfall and Lethal League), a slightly gimmicky physics title (Beseige) a tough sequel that assumed you played the original difficulty-wise (Legend of Grimrock 2) and two RPG titles with divisive artstyles (Valkyria Chronicles Anime stylings and Sanctuary RPG minimalist look). Not to mention Sanctuary RPG and its drama regarding previous bundle presence (too complicated to go into here).
Two: People feel cheated, namely ones who didn't read the support FAQs for the pack, this is down mostly to the 'Play - Discover games that haven't been featured in other bundles' slogan leading people to believe that it would be an all-unbundled title. (Which Saints Row IV and Sanctuary RPG are not). The higher than usual bundle price doesn't help this.
Three: Given the price and that its a blind-buy, people were expecting something more out of the ordinary. While Saints Row IV and Valkyria Chronicles are good, both have repeatedly have been on sale for cheap. In addition, people wouldn't exactly put Sanctuary RPG in the 'Out of the Ordinary' category.
Four: No DLC for Saints Row IV and as soon as the bundle drops, Humble are offering the GOTY edition with all extras for sale. It feels like a cheap pull, especially given that its been bundled before with all the DLC in tow and the game after it, Gat Outta Hell, hasn't been bundled before.
Five: People assuming the hints were for other games (such as the Skeleton = Shovel Knight or Rogue Legacy)
Theres other reasons too but these are the ones that come to mind"
Sums it up.
Doesn't help that Saints Row IV Game of the Century edition is on sale for $4.99 in their store this weekend either. They really blew this. There will probably be more layoffs for the Humble staff in the future.