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BenKii: Humble Bundle Tom Clancy Bundle
Impaler26: Not too shabby. I grabbed the $1 tier. :D
I think Im going to as well. Never had a Uplay account, as I have always heard bad things, but people can be overly harsh, especially on the internet. I finally got a Origin account a while back, and its not so bad. Basically I just want to game. I dont have a very big budget lately (need a new job) and I dont have any of the first tier games either (except for Ghost Recon, which I have on GoG).

So fuck it, right? I get 6 awesome games for $1(I'll try to give a little more). I know a few of you will say its still not worth it, but I like to game, even on my currently small budget.
LJChronx: I finally got a Origin account a while back, and its not so bad.
Uplay is comparable - I actually found it less intrusive / problematic than origin and i think some of the games from the $1 tier may not need uplay to run after installation.
In the case of Uplay, I found that it wasn't that it ate my computer or anything like that, but it was so poorly designed that it was a nightmare to get the one game I had that used it to launch. I decided I didn't need Uplay-tethered games after that. I have too many games to play to justify the thought of farting about wasting time with a crappy client.
So you didnt try just making a shortcut to the exe?!
Sachys: So you didnt try just making a shortcut to the exe?!
Yeah, I had a desktop shortcut to the game. But launching it required a Uplay account (at least, i couldn't get the game to launch without it). I had to fuck around with that for quite some time before I could finally play the game. I was pretty much jaded on it after that. Or did I miss something terribly simple?
Maybe - depends on the game I suppose. Pretty sure none of my games actually launched Uplay after install though.
Only have a couple on there though, so I suppose... its a mystery! ~O~
LJChronx: I think Im going to as well. Never had a Uplay account, as I have always heard bad things, but people can be overly harsh, especially on the internet.
In my non-expert opinion, just from personal experience issues with Uplay seem to be game-specific. Games like HOMM that are set up with auto-save are constantly syncing back via the Uplay server, and when there's an issue, not uncommon that the game crashes.

If it didn't sync properly, then not only did it crash but your save(s) may be lost. So I think a lot of the complaints about Uplay have more to do with the apparent bugs the DRM-side of it creates for certain games.

Just as an interface for launching games I don't have any particular objection to it - it's fine though I'd say I find it less appealing than Origin or Steam as an interface.
If you can live with Steam, you have no reason to complain about Origin and uPlay.

Any horror knowledge you might have is most surely several years old and def. outdated.

Within the last 12 months (at least) I found uPlay and Origin as stable as Steam (which is not 100%)

If you are completely anti-DRM, then stay away from above services equally.
BenKii: Humble Bundle Tom Clancy Bundle


All keys are for Uplay
Ungh, it looks like Ubisoft IP bundles are going to be strictly Uplay-delivered from now on...T_T

(Though the only game I played on Uplay was Watch_Dogs that came with my graphics card, maybe I just try to avoid the service because the only experience I had on it was a lacklustre one.)
Post edited September 02, 2015 by expopower
dyscode: If you can live with Steam, you have no reason to complain about Origin and uPlay.

Any horror knowledge you might have is most surely several years old and def. outdated.
Maybe, maybe not.

I played in the HOMM7 beta for a few days this week and had a significant number of game crashes that seemed related to the DRM. All in all I think I played 5-6 hours and had at least 10 crashes to desktop. Some were related to launch of combat but others were related to the autosave/cloud-syncing.

The crashing problem was magnified by the slow load times.

If it were a different game/platform I might just chalk that up to something that might be fixed before launch, but it seemed oddly similar to the raft of UPlay related problems that hampered HOMM6 for months after release.
fishbaits: Bioshock Infinite, an FPS & fairly good story & some stunning graphics for the whopping price of.....$1.

All you have to do is vote in this.
Just a heads up for those of you heading to redeem this, there's some crazy games spoiling spoilers on the "best game moment" page. Life is Strange, Tales From The Borderlands, etc.
I installed uPlay only very recently. I am completely at a loss to see what all the hate is about. The client does what it needs to with out flaw, and the games work better than many others on my frankenstein rig. So far I have played Watch Dogs and Splinter Cell Blacklist. Currently I am playing Assassin's Creed Black Flag.

So far both uPlay and Origin have been far less trouble and are both much easier to use than Steam, which I find bloated and intrusive.
HeDanny: ...Steam, which I find bloated and intrusive.
Safe to say Steam is like the sterotypical battleaxe mother-in-law of manditory game clients then?! O_____o
With so many uPlay bundles recently from Humble, I find myself wishing I was a fly on the wall when they struck their deal.

"...and after x months, we want you to rename yourself as"
Voting on the Golden Joystick Awards gives a voucher for Bioshock Infinite which brings it down to 1 currency unit. If you use playfire, you get it back as GMG credits after starting the game the first time.