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Groupees - Yarrrr! A Pirate Bundle - reserve for $1

3 games + 5 albums + 2comics ($2 minimum)
Post edited June 25, 2015 by triock
cecil: bought 2 tiers of the HB Weekly I love the Eye Candy ones :)
skimmie: I can play with my kids, which is always a bonus.
You mean games can be non ultra violent? I'm with you I don't even have kids I just prefer less violent fare.
triock: Groupees - Yarrrr! A Pirate Bundle - reserve for $1

3 games + 5 albums + 2comics ($2 minimum)
$1 reservation is usually a pretty solid indicator that the bundle is garbage.
cecil: bought 2 tiers of the HB Weekly I love the Eye Candy ones :)
I bought the whole shebang, which is surprising, since there is only one Linux game!

I have a hard time resisting the Eye Candy - hopefully the rest work in WINE.
Post edited June 25, 2015 by hummer010
triock: Groupees - Yarrrr! A Pirate Bundle - reserve for $1

3 games + 5 albums + 2comics ($2 minimum)
Wonder if there is any possibility of not including the old Sid Meier's Pirates.
triock: Groupees - Yarrrr! A Pirate Bundle - reserve for $1

3 games + 5 albums + 2comics ($2 minimum)
hummer010: $1 reservation is usually a pretty solid indicator that the bundle is garbage.
I completely and totally agree with you on that. You gotta think, why would they not tell people what is in the bundle? For "fun and excitement?" No, some people might feel excited but that isn't why the company does it. They do it because many people get a thrill out of the mystery of gambling phenomenon and it is a profitable thing to do. In other words, they will sell more copies of something like this to people speculatively hoping for something awesome for their dollar and being excited to wait and find out what they get, than if they sold it outright honestly by telling everyone in advance what they are getting for their dollar. Bottom line: They make more money making it a mystery grab bag purchase, and since they don't actually tell anyone what is in it, they can change what is in it to whatever they want based on how many people buy it since nobody would know either way.

This is something you do when you have garbage you want to offload and know if people know what it is they'll be less likely to buy it than if you put an air of mystery around it for marketing purposes. It's entirely a psychological game. That's fine to do, but I totally wont go for that personally. I'd rather pay more for something and actually know what I'm getting when I buy it if need be.

I feel similarly about service provider contracts too. Some ISPs for example will make you a service offer at a specific price point and set of features but only if you agree to a 1/2/3 year contract or whatever and with penalties to buy your way out of the contract if you change your mind. Cell phone companies do this probably more than anything else out there for years now. My take is that these are always a bad deal. They want you under contract because they don't want to lose you when you find out about a better deal somewhere else or otherwise become dissatisfied with their service. This tells me that they are pricing their packages intentionally knowing that their customers are going to be dissatisfied with their service or that someone else out there will probably come along with a better deal and they don't want to have to match it too.

A good ISP/cell provider that truly thinks they have the best service should think that if they really do have the best service it will speak for itself and customers will come in droves and bring others with word of mouth. They wont need to tie you down with contractual obligations to keep your money coming in because you will send it to them voluntarily by the truckload and want to remain their loyal customer if they're giving you the best product and service at the best price compared to the competitors. But they know they aren't doing so and they know people wise up to this and will hop ship easily, so -> contracts.

I will never agree to an ISP/phone contract at all period ever, nor will I buy a "grab bag" of unknown games or products gambling to hope for something good. Others are free to do so if it works for them of course but for me:

"I'm on to that" and "no thanks" :)
skimmie: I can play with my kids, which is always a bonus.
cecil: You mean games can be non ultra violent? I'm with you I don't even have kids I just prefer less violent fare.
All games are violent and cause us to do horrible things. The press says so, so it must be true, obviously :)

Seriously though, I don't mind violent games. I mean, I just spent the last hour and a half playing Batman: Arkham Asylum.
I do like to mix things up with more pleasant and relaxed experiences though. I love a good light-hearted adventure game for instance, or a nice puzzle game.
Besides, when you play games with (young) kids, you have to get used to a completely different experience. I mean, they never play a game the way it was intended, never mind how you would play :)
Aaaargh, this can't be true. I only just bought an overpriced Where Is My Heart on GOG, because with the measly discount it got after one year of no discounts at all, I didn't expect it to go down in price anytime soon, and now they're throwing it away in a dollar bundle, and DRM-free on top of it?! What the hell is wrong with these developers!!! >:(

Anyway, I have to admit it's a very nice bundle nevertheless and cool for everyone who wisely ignored Where Is My Heart during the GOG sale. I'll buy it for DRM-free Tengami and move the sliders accordingly. :P
I love this week's Humble Weekly. Three games high on my wishlist, three others that look right up my alley, and all of them DRM-free!

I can give a recommendation for The Dream Machine if you are on the fence about it. Anyone who might be interested in Armikrog would also likely love the claymation aesthetic, and it's a pretty weird, surreal experience. Just a note that it only includes chapters 1-5 and there will be a sixth and final chapter at some point in the future, but I think for just a buck over BTA it's still worth it and then if you like it maybe showing the dev some support and buying the final chapter when its out.

Lastly, The Dream Machine is actually DRM-free once downloaded from Steam. It's fully portable to a machine that has never been online or had Steam installed.
the.kuribo: Lastly, The Dream Machine is actually DRM-free once downloaded from Steam. It's fully portable to a machine that has never been online or had Steam installed.
Good to know! Thanks for the update!
budejovice: Agreed, finally another good-looking (to me) weekly. It has been a really long while. I bought Eye Candy 2 and it was really nice too (probably better than this one even...)
The Eye Candy ones in general look better to me than their competition. Maybe named that way for more than one reason. XD
the.kuribo: I can give a recommendation for The Dream Machine if you are on the fence about it. Anyone who might be interested in Armikrog would also likely love the claymation aesthetic, and it's a pretty weird, surreal experience. Just a note that it only includes chapters 1-5 and there will be a sixth and final chapter at some point in the future, but I think for just a buck over BTA it's still worth it and then if you like it maybe showing the dev some support and buying the final chapter when its out.

Lastly, The Dream Machine is actually DRM-free once downloaded from Steam. It's fully portable to a machine that has never been online or had Steam installed.
I hope it one day comes to GOG I have 1-4 already from prior bundle and it is one of the few games I wish I'd break my no steam rule for...
Leroux: Aaaargh, this can't be true. I only just bought an overpriced Where Is My Heart on GOG, because with the measly discount it got after one year of no discounts at all, I didn't expect it to go down in price anytime soon, and now they're throwing it away in a dollar bundle, and DRM-free on top of it?! What the hell is wrong with these developers!!! >:(

Anyway, I have to admit it's a very nice bundle nevertheless and cool for everyone who wisely ignored Where Is My Heart during the GOG sale. I'll buy it for DRM-free Tengami and move the sliders accordingly. :P
happen to be back than with Syberia, bought for full price on GOG after waiting forever and 2 weeks later they had their first sale.

So, I always take ALL the games I bought into the equation. For even some "mistakes" included, I payed embarassingly little money for my whole collection. :)

the.kuribo: I love this week's Humble Weekly. Three games high on my wishlist, three others that look right up my alley, and all of them DRM-free!

I can give a recommendation for The Dream Machine if you are on the fence about it. Anyone who might be interested in Armikrog would also likely love the claymation aesthetic, and it's a pretty weird, surreal experience. Just a note that it only includes chapters 1-5 and there will be a sixth and final chapter at some point in the future, but I think for just a buck over BTA it's still worth it and then if you like it maybe showing the dev some support and buying the final chapter when its out.

Lastly, The Dream Machine is actually DRM-free once downloaded from Steam. It's fully portable to a machine that has never been online or had Steam installed.
+1 Dream Machine is excellent! and only one more chapter missing. I am usually very objective to episodical releases but this, well It is damn worth the wait and the gamble.
Post edited June 26, 2015 by dyscode
IndieGala Special Friday Bundle

$1 for

- BloodNet
- Rex Nebular and the Cosmic Gender Bender
- The Defenders: The Second Wave

$2.89 (first 24 hours) for

- Treeker: The Lost Glasses
- Siralim
- Hypt
- Shadow Ops: Red Mercury
- Woolfe: The Red Hood Diaries
- Sirius Online
- Gunship!
- Slave Zero
- Global Ops: Commando Libya
madth3: - Siralim
- Sirius Online
Hmm. I'm only interested in two of the games, so debating on getting the whole thing or not.
dyscode: happen to be back than with Syberia, bought for full price on GOG after waiting forever and 2 weeks later they had their first sale.
Yeah, that sucks, but I think it's even worse in this case because there was a sale on GOG shortly before and they denied it a higher discount than 25% or something, only to practically give it away afterwards. That feels like a slap in the face of GOG customers. I wouldn't have complained if I had bought the game here for 50% off; but I bought it here grudgingly, thinking I paid too much for it, and I guess for that I am too blame myself. I shouldn't buy a game if I think the price ain't right. If I'd been happy with the price, I wouldn't have that much cause for a complaint (although it still seems like an intentional dick move).

dyscode: So, I always take ALL the games I bought into the equation. For even some "mistakes" included, I payed embarassingly little money for my whole collection. :)
That's true, me too. Good way to look at it. :)