Vitek: I came across this. Apparently price Wolfenstein: New Order and Assassins Creed: Black Flag went up just before the sale so the discounted price is higher than it would be otherwise. It also happened to GTA V where they added some Shark Money Card to the base game, which is basically money cheat, upped the price by 15 bucks and then discounted it so it is very slightly cheaper than base game and they have not discounted the game itself at all so you can't get it for cheaper price. At least they added something before inflating the price but not as great either as they basically did no sale.
Wolfenstein price was lowered in March and was lower for almost 3 months and suddenly, tada, it's back at 59.99 when sale ensues.
That's really shitty so beware!
Also in theory with the money cheat as part of the deal for GTAV, it becomes ineligible for a refund according to their guidelines.