Posted May 29, 2015
evilnancyreagan: sonuvabitch!
Distant Worlds: Universe -%50 on Steam for the next 44 hours or so
I don't even like RTSs all that much and I never spend more than twenty bucks on a game but, I still dropped 60 (SIXTY!) bones on this jobber.
It almost never goes on sale and a discount this deep is unfathomable. I am almost irate.
You like building space empires? Just buy this and then intentionally slam you hand in a car door for not already owning it and getting such a great deal for it D:<
Same here, games been on my list for a while but I just don't have the spare money to be putting those amounts on a game sadly. That's why i normally wait for sales. Sadly in this case that still results in a price I'm not willing to spend :(Distant Worlds: Universe -%50 on Steam for the next 44 hours or so
I don't even like RTSs all that much and I never spend more than twenty bucks on a game but, I still dropped 60 (SIXTY!) bones on this jobber.
It almost never goes on sale and a discount this deep is unfathomable. I am almost irate.
You like building space empires? Just buy this and then intentionally slam you hand in a car door for not already owning it and getting such a great deal for it D:<