Posted May 15, 2015

Kwisatz Haderach
Registered: Sep 2008
From Canada

Registered: Aug 2010
From United States

Registered: Sep 2013
From Belize
Posted May 15, 2015
high rated

Flyin' Eye
Registered: Apr 2013
From United States

Registered: May 2011
From Australia
Posted May 15, 2015

Gaming Deal - The Witcher 3
I could "save" 20% for my loyalty to GOG by owning the previous 2 titles and pay US$58.18 (fuck you very much regional pricing), or I could either go to DL Gamer and pay US$42.99 or Greenman Gaming and pay US$43.80 (possibly cheaper for other countries) using the code "SAVE27-OFWITC-HERIII" at the checkout.
It baffles me that I can purchase the game (which I haven't) cheaper than on GOG's store for the same code, pre-order bonuses and all...

Registered: Nov 2012
From Mexico
Posted May 15, 2015
I skimmed the Groupees chat at some point and I have no idea why but I had the impression that there would be more Greenlight (and therefore DRM-Free) games. Good thing I did not share that idea with anyone.
I also expected more strategy / management games so I did not reserve anyway.
I also expected more strategy / management games so I did not reserve anyway.

Registered: Feb 2013
From Canada
Posted May 15, 2015
Already have much of the upper tiers on GOG, but I think I'd be happy to pay a dollar for the first tier. The aesthetic of Paper Sorcerer really interests me.

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States
Posted May 15, 2015

It was short but fun, and the aesthetic was very nice. You really feel like you're inside of a book. If you don't already have it, a buck is impossible to lose.
Of course, you can actually buy it for a penny, if all you want is the DRM-free download.
Like I just did.
Post edited May 15, 2015 by yogsloth

Registered: Nov 2012
From Mexico
Posted May 15, 2015

Registered: Nov 2012
From Mexico
Posted May 15, 2015
Update on Be Mine 19 of Groupees
New $8 tier:
- Station
- Starbreeze - N7 (album)
- Upcdownc - Faster Than Evil (album)
- Ubinota (Steam / Win)
- Digital Head - Time Will Tell (album) (To be unlocked)
New $8 tier:
- Station
This is a special Kickstarter Level to support a project that Groupees staff member, Informatics, is involved in. The game is called, Station, a 2D adventure game. Backers will receive when the game is finished a drm-free copy, Steam copy, digital artbook and digital soundtrack, as well as access to early builds as the game is developed.
NOTE: Preorders are credited with $4 and can qualify for this new level by adding $4 to their original purchase
Bonus: NOTE: Preorders are credited with $4 and can qualify for this new level by adding $4 to their original purchase
- Starbreeze - N7 (album)
- Upcdownc - Faster Than Evil (album)
- Ubinota (Steam / Win)
- Digital Head - Time Will Tell (album) (To be unlocked)

Registered: Jan 2009
From Other
Posted May 15, 2015
About FATE and FATE: Undiscovered Realms, any idea how to even play or install the drm-free versions? There's a folder called gamefiles, but no exe to launch the game anywhere. Do they expect me to know how to compile their game or something?

LowEnd Gamer
Registered: Oct 2009
From United States
Posted May 15, 2015
Indiegamestand deal is Unrest for $1
DRM Free + Steam. BTA is 39 Steps.
and Capsule is on 33% Sale on HB.
minimalistic true, SciFi survival horror gem. €$3.
DRM Free + Steam. BTA is 39 Steps.
and Capsule is on 33% Sale on HB.
minimalistic true, SciFi survival horror gem. €$3.
Post edited May 15, 2015 by dyscode

The Historian
Registered: Mar 2013
From United Kingdom
Posted May 15, 2015
Try emailing Humble support as maybe they put the wrong files up. That happened recently with a game from Groupees when they actually forgot to put the game up, they just had all the promo stuff instead!

New User
Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted May 15, 2015
There are a bunch of free Android games on Amazon again: link
Mostly trash and miscellaneous casual fare, though Star Traders 4X looks incredibly promising, and you can complete your Freddy and Sorcery collections if you picked up the previous games when they went up in previous promos.
Mostly trash and miscellaneous casual fare, though Star Traders 4X looks incredibly promising, and you can complete your Freddy and Sorcery collections if you picked up the previous games when they went up in previous promos.

Queso de Espacio
Registered: May 2013
From United States
Posted May 15, 2015