Posted April 15, 2015

Registered: Nov 2012
From Mexico

Creepy Jackalope
Registered: Jun 2010
From United States
Posted April 15, 2015

$2.50 for
- Rage Runner (DRM-Free, Steam / Win, Mac)
- Pretentious Game (Steam / Win)
- The Last Door - Collector's Edition (Steam / Win, Mac, Linux)
- Quest for Infamy (Steam / Win, Mac)
- ACE - Arena: Cyber Evolution Founder Pack DLC (Steam / Win) (<i>Base game is Free-To-Play</i>)
- Floors of Discomfort (DRM-Free, Desuta, Greenlight / Win, Linux)
- Pixel Star(DRM-Free, Desuta, Greenlight / Win)
- BONUS to be unlocked: Tuk-Ruk

Bowl of Cherries
Registered: Jun 2013
From United States
Posted April 15, 2015
Mind you, it would have been worth it for Quest for Infamy and Last Door, if I didn't already have those. Which I do.

Creepy Jackalope
Registered: Jun 2010
From United States
Posted April 15, 2015

The Wanderer
Registered: Mar 2013
From United States
Posted April 15, 2015

Registered: Sep 2014
From Japan
Posted April 16, 2015
I am pretty happy with this Groupees pre-order since I didn't have Quest for Infamy yet. Also, although it is Steam-only, it becomes DRM-free after download/install through client.
Pixel Star also looks pretty cool -- like an updated Asteroids.
The other games I either already own or have little interest in. But two solid titles for $0.50 a piece made it a Groupees gamble win for me.
Pixel Star also looks pretty cool -- like an updated Asteroids.
The other games I either already own or have little interest in. But two solid titles for $0.50 a piece made it a Groupees gamble win for me.

Grumpy Old Man
Registered: Dec 2009
From Australia
Posted April 16, 2015
Could you elaborate on this please? Do you mean once it is installed via Steam, you no longer need Steam running to play, but would need Steam to re-install? Or is it essentially "Portable", where it can be copied to a USB Stick and played from that USB stick on any computer with out losing any functionality, including Saves etc?

Fuck China, Israel, Russia and Cancer.
Registered: Aug 2011
From Chile
Posted April 16, 2015

Registered: Nov 2012
From Mexico
Posted April 16, 2015
ShinyLoot new Nordic deals
- The Book of Unwritten Tales (DRM-Free) -80% / $4
- The Book of Unwritten Tales Deluxe Edition (DRM-Free) -80% / $5
- Chaser (DRM-Free) -75% / $1.24
- MX vs ATV Reflex (Steam) -75% / $5
- Black Mirror (Steam) -75% / $2.50
- Black Mirror 2 (DRM-Free) -75% / $1.75
- Black Mirror 3 (DRM-Free) -75% / $1.75
- The Book of Unwritten Tales (DRM-Free) -80% / $4
- The Book of Unwritten Tales Deluxe Edition (DRM-Free) -80% / $5
- Chaser (DRM-Free) -75% / $1.24
- MX vs ATV Reflex (Steam) -75% / $5
- Black Mirror (Steam) -75% / $2.50
- Black Mirror 2 (DRM-Free) -75% / $1.75
- Black Mirror 3 (DRM-Free) -75% / $1.75
Post edited April 16, 2015 by madth3

Grumpy Old Man
Registered: Dec 2009
From Australia
Posted April 16, 2015
Thanks mate. While I have had Steam for years, I have only really paid any attention to it (as in, really looked into the expanded functions, internet community etc) these last few weeks. I will have to look into this sub-set of known "DRM-Free" (true portable) games later. I assume its not in Enhanced Steam? I don't think I've noticed it anyway.

Registered: Sep 2014
From Japan
Posted April 16, 2015

Actually, I have not had a chance to personally confirm that Quest for Infamy is fully portable, but it is listed as such in the following list:
That wiki is maintained by several GOG users which sometimes discuss the topic here:

As an addendum, Valve does not provide their customers an easy way of knowing which titles employ the use of their proprietary CEG DRM (although they do tell you which games use third-party DRM like SecuROM, GFWL, or others). Titles which use CEG create a unique executable that is tied to the hardware from which the title was downloaded/installed to, and thus are not portable without redownloading from Steam. If a title uses CEG, you definitely know it is not DRM-free... but as it stands there is no easy to reference list of games that use CEG.
Post edited April 16, 2015 by the.kuribo

Veni, vidi, vici
Registered: Apr 2012
From Romania
Posted April 16, 2015
I'm so sorry for the guys at ShinyLoot, but this is the second time that they have a big sale at the same time as GOG. Somebody is going to get left out.

Insert cat to continue
Registered: Aug 2012
From Greece
Posted April 16, 2015
New deal from IndieGameStand is <span class="bold">Dungeon Prospector</span> (DRM-Free+Desura key). BTA for OST, wallpapers, and Iso-Sphere (DRM-Free).

Fuck China, Israel, Russia and Cancer.
Registered: Aug 2011
From Chile
Posted April 16, 2015
the.kuribo explained it better, but just to answer this part, unfortunately Enhanced Steam only warns in red when a game has an extra layer of DRM and not the other way around.
When asked how ES works, the author answers that ES searches in the descriptions of every game's store page for key words about DRM (for example: "SecuROM", "Uplay", "SolidShield", etc...), and if it finds something, ES warns about it in red, so it isn't 100% accurate. The publisher/developers could still forget to update those descriptions (extra DRM removed and still announced as a requirement, or having some extra layer of DRM and not saying about it anywhere), in those cases, ES would warn incorrectly or not warn properly about it, so for now how currently ES works, there's no way that ES could say if a game is DRM-Free unless a games's page tells somewhere exactly that so the author could use that information with ES.
When asked how ES works, the author answers that ES searches in the descriptions of every game's store page for key words about DRM (for example: "SecuROM", "Uplay", "SolidShield", etc...), and if it finds something, ES warns about it in red, so it isn't 100% accurate. The publisher/developers could still forget to update those descriptions (extra DRM removed and still announced as a requirement, or having some extra layer of DRM and not saying about it anywhere), in those cases, ES would warn incorrectly or not warn properly about it, so for now how currently ES works, there's no way that ES could say if a game is DRM-Free unless a games's page tells somewhere exactly that so the author could use that information with ES.

Insert cat to continue
Registered: Aug 2012
From Greece
Posted April 16, 2015
For 3 more hours, Chicago 1930 is discounted by 70% on GamersGate.