The Mixer 18 is up on Indie Royale Starting on $2
- Rooks Keep (DRM-Free, Desura, Steam / Win)
- Platypus (Steam / Win)
- Millennium 2 - Take Me Higher (DRM-Free, Desura, Steam / Win)
- Spoiler Alert (Steam / Win, Mac, Linux)
- Train Town (DRM-Free, Desura, Steam / Win)
- Probably Archery (DRM-Free, Desura, Steam / Win, Mac, Linux)
- Eron (DRM-Free, Desura, Steam / Win, Linux)
- Trainz Trouble (DRM-Free, Desura, Steam / Win)
- Terra Incognita ~ Chapter One: The Descendant (DRM-Free, Desura, Steam / Win, Mac, Linux)
- pillar (DRM-Free, Desura, Greenlight / Win)