About the Assassin's Creed Sale on Humble..
According to a reddit thread for the sale, AC1, AC2, AC-B, AC-R, AC3, are all at or near all time low, and are good pick-ups. Liberation has been cheaper, but this is still considered a pretty good price if you want to play it
right now. If not then it should go cheaper again. AC IV Black Flag has been much cheaper ($15 vs 30) and so could probably wait for a better price there.
As for DLC, all games accept Revelations have a "suffix" (complete) version included in the sale, and these versions include the various DLC which are available. This is the easiest (in some cases may be the only) way to get all the content for the games.
Revelations does have DLC, but it has no complete version, and I can't find any info on if they are included in the vanilla version as default now or not. I would expect No, considering all the other games have two versions (one vanilla, one complete), but looks like I can't know for sure unless I purchase, or someone else does so and can report back.
The above DLC info does not include Unity or Rogue. These are the two most recent titles, and it seems both still have content coming in the future.
skeletonbow: Depending on the individual game...
Grargar: ...like the Assassin's Creed don't carry extra DRM.
I appreciate the help guys.
Been looking all over about this since I asked. Long story short, internet seems to agree that there are no additional nasties or issues with the Assassin's Creed games. The current version of uPlay seems to work without much issue. That said, if you are considering getting the games, I agree you really should do a bit of reading about uPlay first. While it might be ok
now it seems to be universally hated for some solid reasons. Best to know what you might be in for.
One last thing. Remember that the original game is
available right here on GOG! :)
Hope someone finds this information helpful.