Posted March 11, 2015

Insert cat to continue
Registered: Aug 2012
From Greece

Doja Doja
Registered: Nov 2014
From United States

Galaxy 3 when?
Registered: Dec 2009
From Canada
Posted March 11, 2015

Before someone buys a game from Ubisoft or EA on Steam in an effort to avoid Uplay or Origin I'd be careful to read the fine print on the game's Steam page, and preferably install the "Enhanced Steam" browser plugin in your web browser as that displays additional DRM related details for all the games and highlights it so it is easier to notice. Helps avoid those unexpected surprises.
Another helpful repository of information is the Big List of DRM on Steam which is worth checking before each game purchase also.

Insert cat to continue
Registered: Aug 2012
From Greece
Posted March 11, 2015

Dammit. There I thought they required GOG. :P
Post edited March 11, 2015 by Grargar

Fulvus Forever !
Registered: Apr 2012
From France
Posted March 11, 2015

Registered: Nov 2012
From Mexico
Posted March 11, 2015

Galaxy 3 when?
Registered: Dec 2009
From Canada
Posted March 11, 2015

Registered: Nov 2012
From Mexico
Posted March 11, 2015

Registered: Nov 2012
From Mexico
Posted March 11, 2015
They're actually from Gunspell, a Match-3 RPG.
Something I don't expect it will change your opinion a bit. :-)
Something I don't expect it will change your opinion a bit. :-)

Woodie Guthrie's Guitar!
Registered: Dec 2011
From United Kingdom
Posted March 11, 2015

Something I don't expect it will change your opinion a bit. :-)

Registered: Nov 2012
From Mexico

Grumpy Old Man
Registered: Dec 2009
From Australia
Posted March 11, 2015
This seems pretty sweet.
Anyone of you price watchers out there know if this is legit bargain? I've Only played up to AC3. On console, no less. If these are the best prices I'll finally pick them all up again + Black Flag just to have them on PC.
The titles and content seem a bit confusing for my small brain. Can anyone advise which ones do I buy to get all possible content for each game? Or do ubi not do legit complete versions?
Anything in particular I need to watch out for with uPlay? These will be my first uPlay titles. If I decide to buy.
Anyone of you price watchers out there know if this is legit bargain? I've Only played up to AC3. On console, no less. If these are the best prices I'll finally pick them all up again + Black Flag just to have them on PC.
The titles and content seem a bit confusing for my small brain. Can anyone advise which ones do I buy to get all possible content for each game? Or do ubi not do legit complete versions?
Anything in particular I need to watch out for with uPlay? These will be my first uPlay titles. If I decide to buy.
Post edited March 11, 2015 by HeDanny

Galaxy 3 when?
Registered: Dec 2009
From Canada
Posted March 11, 2015

Anyone of you price watchers out there know if this is legit bargain? I've Only played up to AC3. On console, no less. If these are the best prices I'll finally pick them all up again + Black Flag just to have them on PC.
The titles and content seem a bit confusing for my small brain. Can anyone advise which ones do I buy to get all possible content for each game? Or do ubi not do legit complete versions?
Anything in particular I need to watch out for with uPlay? These will be my first uPlay titles. If I decide to buy.
Depending on the individual game, some of the DRM features include things like:
- Mandatory always-online even for single player-only games or single player mode of other games that don't otherwise have any reason to require online ... but they do anyway. Games that do this are so awesome, your Internet goes down for a minute and you're booted out of the game for no good reason other than that the game thinks it was pirated so you must now be punished.
- Maximum limit of how many times you can install the game on a computer before it no longer lets you install it anymore and wants you to pay to buy another copy or go through some arduous procedure to deauthorize previous installations to free up the ability to install another time.
There are other annoying DRM 'features' also, but if the above two don't discourage someone from spending their money then they'd probably allow Ubisoft to cut their arms off with a chainsaw as a form of DRM too so no sense listing them all. :)
Post edited March 11, 2015 by skeletonbow

Registered: Feb 2013
From Canada
Posted March 11, 2015

Kiss 5
8 games, minimum $1, or reserve for $2.
shiftyslug confirmed specifically that all games are Steam-keys only.
Depositing my first $2 in my bundle swear jar. ;)

Wallet's kinda begging for mercy at the moment anyways...

Thread Derailer!
Registered: Apr 2010
From United States
Posted March 11, 2015

I try to catch the DLC on sale, and I really liked Frostmarch and Reaper...
...Sorry if i sounded like a commercial there... We now return you to your gaming deals, already in progress...