Well, I finally had my epiphany while out on a walk last night, not long after thumbing through the manual for Victoria Complete, and it only took looking back at the results of 2, 2.5 months of Groupees purchases. It's all shit.
There's not a single game that would pain me to lose if multiple hard drives crashed.
IndieRoyale and Humble Weekly have done better, but I'm done with Groupees and done with most off-GOG purchases. Frankly, Victoria Complete is worth more than everything I have from Groupees.
In fact, after I skip $6 in total purchases from Groupees, I will buy Kingdom: The Far Reaches, because the shittiest GOG has to offer is worth more than the 30 or 40 games that I would receive from this racket.
If we're rounding down to the nearest penny that they see, the devs aren't going to miss my $0.