Grargar: Rockstar 4 days deal with 75% and 80% discounts. All games require Steam, but L.A. Noire and Max Payne 3 also carry GameShield.
BlackThorny: What do you think about
these guys? their reports seem honest, but is it really that bad that we can never expect a worthy Rockstar project?
Yes they are right but the info seems slightly outdated since it was released.
According to the latest
Steam threads the Gameshield DRM of the Steam version
does not require any additional activation and may be considered dormant.
Though there is no confirmation if Gameshield DRM actually activates with a Steam installation or not.
I have the game in my Account but had no time to intall it, yet. I'll install it later and see what happen, until tomorrow.
PS: and be aware that the Complete Edition is cheaper than the base game alone :)
Muttala: is it included red DLC?
no, RED is included in the
Complete Edition on Steam, currently 88% off. To celebrate the release of the iPhone Edition BTW.