madth3: GreenmanGaming has
some encore deals but this time you can use
25HAPP-YXMASF-ROMGMG to get an extra 25% discount.
siulebuo: The second email I received was exactly as an order email, only that it have the game price to 0.00 and a "Savings" line with the price in negative (I want to attach a image, but upload not working right now).
BlackThorny: Yes, it was a separate email for the gift, Gmail added them together so I didn't notice. It looks just like the first with those details:
Items bought
GMG Christmas Gift - PC $0.00
Total $0.00
BlackThorny: and further below
GMG Christmas Gift
Steam key
BlackThorny: BlackThorny: Yes, it was a separate email for the gift, Gmail added them together so I didn't notice. It looks just like the first with those details: and further below
siulebuo: Mine was:
Items bought
Batman Arkham Origins: Season Pass - PC 0.00 €
Savings: -4.99 €
Total 0.00 €
siulebuo: Maybe your email have a bug.
I, too, bought the Cold Cold Heart DLC, which I received an email containing the code.
Then I got a second email containing a free code for AO: Season Pass. No charge.
Then I got a Playfire email with an untitled Steam code. It turned out to be for Cobi Soemthing.
3 emails. 2 from Greenman Gaming and one from Playfire.
3 codes. 1 I paid for. 2 free.