Grargar: Hello there! Since you're here, could you please elaborate on one of your answers from the FAQ (specifically, the last one).
"You can however contact me if you want a game you have on Steam (or other stores) to be available DRM-free on FireFlower Games as well (given it can be found in FireFlower Games’ catalogue of games). All you have to do is make a purchase on FireFlower Games and provide me with your username and proof that you own the game on the other platform."
Let's say that I have Gold Rush! Classic on Steam (a game that exists in your catalog). What would I need to do to have it on FireFlower Games as well? Would I need to make a general purchase to prove that I am a FireFlower Games customer and just link you some kind of proof that I own it on Steam? Or did I misunderstand this?
krillehog: Hello!
Yes, that's correct. Just make a general purchase on FireFlower and send me your FireFlower username and some proof that you own it on Steam (screenshot, email receipt, username or something similar).
Thanks for the response! This seems like a very nice feature, but I fear it could be easily abused. That Gold Rush! Classic on steam for instance have been bundled a couple of times already, not to mention steam sales, and I assume a steam version can be easily obtained under 0.5$ - While on your site it costs much more as it should for a completely DRM-Free version.
Assuming you have some expenses setting this up, and seeing you donate a great deal of your earnings - where is the profit?