Posted August 22, 2014

Insert cat to continue
Registered: Aug 2012
From Greece

Can You Face Your Fears?
Registered: Feb 2010
From Slovakia

Queso de Espacio
Registered: May 2013
From United States
Posted August 22, 2014

In a similar vein are the Silverfall games (DRM-free from , but not [url=]GG). I suspect they are a bit better made than these others however. I've played the first one and it's pretty good. These would be nice to have on GOG actually.

Woodie Guthrie's Guitar!
Registered: Dec 2011
From United Kingdom
Posted August 22, 2014

Insert cat to continue
Registered: Aug 2012
From Greece
Posted August 22, 2014
Post edited August 22, 2014 by Grargar

Queso de Espacio
Registered: May 2013
From United States
Posted August 22, 2014

EDIT: And ninja'd
Post edited August 22, 2014 by IAmSinistar

Woodie Guthrie's Guitar!
Registered: Dec 2011
From United Kingdom
Posted August 22, 2014
CRAZY! - Cheers both of you.

LowEnd Gamer
Registered: Oct 2009
From United States
Posted August 22, 2014

EDIT: And ninja'd
Just for safety I would disrecommend buying the GG Versions... less because of SecuRom but because of Focus Interactive. You never know what else they have hidden in the DRM.
I know $6.25 is tempting... ;)
Post edited August 22, 2014 by dyscode

Queso de Espacio
Registered: May 2013
From United States
Posted August 22, 2014
Agreed. The DotEmu editions are the ones I have.

LowEnd Gamer
Registered: Oct 2009
From United States
Posted August 22, 2014
For all of you who want to play the Pre-Sequel ASAP and want to spent tons of money on Season Pass and DLC before the GOTY version is out, GMG has a 30% discount voucher:
Post edited August 22, 2014 by dyscode

Snorts and Barks
Registered: May 2011
From United Kingdom
Posted August 22, 2014

LowEnd Gamer
Registered: Oct 2009
From United States
Posted August 22, 2014

With BL 2 I put in 200hours solo without touching the DLC but I am now on the last main story mission.
The downside is this blocked effectivly my progress with any other game, since I got it, so expect to sink some serious time in, when it hooks you.
An then are the other characters that alter the gameplay considerably and then there is 2nd and 2.5 replay of the game...
And the shooting is so done right in BL2 and there is so much to explore and see and kill. Exploration is always rewarded in BL2.
So YES you can get out A LOT of fun solo from both and they are is not so tough. Challenging, yes. Just make sure your character level is a few levels above the mission level (some easy grinding involved). If you have to choose, get BL2, it has the much more flowing gameplay.
PS: Oh, and BL1 runs like shit on low end systems, even with low settings, while BL2 runs totally fluid on medicore settings.
Post edited August 22, 2014 by dyscode

Registered: May 2009
From Greece
Posted August 22, 2014

B2 I played perhaps 1/5 of the game and couldn't be bothered to play it more. Even though it is a better overall game, I found it very boring.
I haven't played or plan to, mp, either of them.

Registered: Sep 2009
From United Kingdom
Posted August 22, 2014

B2 I played perhaps 1/5 of the game and couldn't be bothered to play it more. Even though it is a better overall game, I found it very boring.
I haven't played or plan to, mp, either of them.
Overall i prefered borderlands 1 to 2 even though 2 was more humor orientated imo. If you get BL2 i think most people love the banter around buttstalion

Registered: Mar 2010
From United States
Posted August 22, 2014
Late August Bundle at LazyGuysStudios. Min. $2.49 for the first 24 hours.