Posted July 06, 2014

Personally, I'd stay away from anything Telltale related that isn't explicitly DRM-free or at least on Steam. GamersGate's SecuRom and Telltale's own DRM are the worst, their customer service sucks and if you buy The Walking Dead directly from them, you might have to download all the episodes in-game (!). DRM-free Hector and Puzzle Agent 2 are good deals though.

Been sort of following the shiny loot sale. Keep seeing interesting looking games by Aldorlea Games pop up DRM-Free. I shot them an email asking if they would consider talking to GOG about getting their games on here. This is was their reply...
I would be very happy to release my games on GoG, but for a strange reason they are not interested. Steam, Greenmangaming, Gamersgate, Gamestop all have released my games, but not GoG. I would recommend you to send them an email of complaint. If you are a faithful customer, they might listen to you.

Shout out to any blue text reading this. Please, Take another look at these guys. Their stuff looks admirably competent and I'd like to buy them, but I would like to buy them here on GOG. Now however I will not be so hesitant to buy them when I get the chance from a competitor.