dyscode: sorry, I don't get you, this is exactly why Humble Bundle does.
To redeem a gift-link the receiver needs a HB account that connects to their steam account.
You never see a key anymore.
HypersomniacLive: Oops, I was under the impression that the gift-link for HB didn't require a HB account, sorry. >//<
Question - if you gift a HB-Steam-link, is the Steam account that redeems it revealed your in HB inventory?
I guess this will eventually lead to everyone that gets a Steam-link gifted to also get an account on every single one of these bundle sites.
EDIT: typo
no need to apologize, this stuff gets more complicated by the day and it's hard to keep up with all the changes :-/
And no, as soon as the HB-Gift is redeemed, the gifting person does not have any further insight into the process.
Yes, if you want to trade HB or Gala Gift-links those sites get your Steam account names.
At least the good part is that 'gifting' is now officially legal*.
And I see other sites like groupees might follow the model, also.
*(PS: just a side a note of a problem Gilt-linking solved ;): though I really doubt that it was legal from those sites to condemn 'sharing' keys in the first place, nevertheless it is understandable that they _wish_ they had a legal basis to restrict key-usage to discourage the massive abuse that was happening. So this seems a good solution for everybody.)