OldFatGuy: Damn, all that trouble to download it, getting frustrated with the edit function here (which DID NOT work right, I admit it's possible on a couple of those edit attempts I inadvertently clicked on cancel instead of Post this message, but I was absolutely careful the last several times and it just simply would NOT edit my post. And I know it wasn't just what was being "seen" on screen as opposed to actually in the database too because each time when I clicked on edit again, the same, original text was always there. Had it been edited in the database but not onscreen for whatever reason, subsequent edit attempts would've showed the new text. It NEVER did. For whatever reason, I was not allowed to edit my post.)
And then I install it, and discover..... no built in gamepad support. Keyboard only and when I try to use the in-game "mapping" function, it of course won't recognize when I press a key on my gamepad to assign it in game.
You have got to be shitting me, a platformer, and a port to boot, that only has keyboard support. (At least I think it's a platformer, it sure looks like one in the screenshots.)
Cute Things Dying Violently is a puzzle game that only takes place in one room per level. Mostly your attempting to flick critters past death traps into an exit door so you'll probably find that there isn't enough to the control scheme to make padding practical.
/ has helped me with most games - In the instance of Dead Rising 2 not even Pinnacle could save it but fortunately Logitechs own profiling software is easily recognized by that game.