Gonchi: On the fence about buying Deadpool off Amazon or waiting to see if it shows up on a Steam flash sale. Given LEGO Marvel Super Heroes is currently a flash sale more expensive on Steam than Amazon, I get the impression the same will happen with Deadpool and I'm not really willing to spend more than $10 on it.
Anyone feel like talking me into buying it or giving it a miss?
Given the recent sales prices on Steam, They definitely won't go below $9.99, and will probably instead keep it at $12.50.
As for whether the game itself is worth it, it has the kind of humor you'd expect from Deadpool, and the gameplay is generally enjoyable. However, I think Deadpool as a character gets a little too repetitive by the end of the game. If you aren't expecting a serious game (how could you with Deadpool as the MC?), I think $10 is a fair price as well as the best price you'll find for quite a while.