Leroux: Does anyone know what's the "Other DRM" in this case? Also, the Steam version has issues on my WIn8 rig, not sure what they're related to, but in the menu all options just read "Tag not found". This (German)
thread suggest it might have something to do with the absence of the "Text" and "Manual" folders. Do you think it's worth trying if the GamersGate version might solve that problem? Does it have a "text" folder in its directory? I'd be thankful for any reply!
Psyringe: The "Other DRM" is an offline key check. GamersGate gives you a key, you enter it during installation. There are no limits to it as far as I know.
I have a "Text" and a "Manual" folder in my install of the base game, and a "Manual" folder in my install of the expansion. The "Manual" folders just contain some PDFs, I don't think they are related to problems. The "Text" folder might. I have no problems running the game on Win7 64-bit, for what it's worth.
Okay, at that price and with the prospect of getting a DRM-free version it might be worth a try, thanks!