Posted October 09, 2013

I just picked this up for my brother. Does anyone know if the DLC typically goes on sale at Steam when the base game gets a discount? I'm wondering if I should get him the DLC now or wait for a potential 50-75% off sale this winter...
While others are only for use in multiplayer.
The Lost Tomb DLC just expands the game maybe like 30 minutes at best but gets you some good amount of experience points.
They only really worthwhile fun DLC for me are the Lara skins, they contribute to a nicer ambience and can not be unlocked by playing. And I got the silencer (but have not activated it yet), because it is really expensive to unlock by scavanging enough crates ingame.
You mileage may vary, though :)
Post edited October 09, 2013 by dyscode