Posted September 26, 2013
arr0whead: If the total price of the three games is cheaper, then yes, it would be better to just buy them separately.
Rohan15: Even though those games separately do not include any form of DLC? ME1 - Bring Down the Sky and Pinnacle Station
ME2 - Zaeed, Normandy crash site, and Firewalker Pack
BDTS, Zaeed and Normandy crash site are free, even if you buy the games separately. The only paid DLCs included in ME Trilogy are Pinnacle Station and Firewalker. I haven't played Pinnacle Station but people said that you won't really miss much if you don't buy it. Same with Firewalker, in my opinion.
Either way, you'll still have to buy all the other DLCs, whether you buy the trilogy or the three games separately.
Edit: Just checked my BioWare account.. Made a mistake. There are no paid ME2 DLCs included in the trilogy. The ones listed above are free with the Cerberus Network. I was thinking about Firepower pack when I said paid DLC.
Post edited September 26, 2013 by arr0whead