Profanity: Because fuck 1$=1€. I'm not a cash machine, that's the same as saying either buy game at full price or don't buy at all.
Way to be a condescending prick. Plus it's obviously good for everyone's business, it's impossible that Amazon isn't aware of this and what do they do to change it, nothing? No location checks based on IP, credit card? This is not alien technology.
GabiMoro: But if you don't care if the key is legal then why don't you get the game from torrents and pay the same amount of money (as the Amazon price) as a donation directly to the developer's account? At least the developer gets 100% of your money and you get a DRM-free copy. WIN-WIN situation.
...and did you just called me a prick?
Except the key is legal by everything except meaningless semantics and the money still goes to all the same places if you bought it on Steam or GOG or whatever, except different distributors get their cut? If someone bans the game in my country by making an exclusive contract with some shitty ass retailer, I'm not gonna feel bad about making a trade with a buddy from another country. If a developer/publisher is gonna screw me on the prices, I'm not gonna feel bad by using Amazon's so conveniently open back door. It's just a technicality so Amazon doesn't have to deal with other countries and their problems officially, it's not an accident that a monkey could go around their system.
And I don't use torrent and donate to the devs (because every dev has a donate page) because I like having my games in one place on GOG or Steam with actual support and updates, not scattered in websites I have no memory of after the first use. That would be the first thing, the second thing - Amazon and GOG are the only distributors I could find that let me grab a full priced new game without losing on a decent amount of money because of ridiculous 1$=1€ which is not that bad at low priced games, but adds up very quick on full priced ones in my currency. Most games are overpriced as it is.
And yep, I did.