PenguinJim: The new XCOM is one of the buggiest games I've played in my entire life (and I've played a lot of Ubisoft games ni that time). And yet, according to Steam, I've spent 166 hours playing it. I'm amazed that they managed to hook me. I didn't like the demo. I don't like being limited to one Skyranger and therefore one mission when three are available. I didn't like the way they handled action points and removed inventories. In my first playthrough, one of my soldiers had no head after the second mission and stayed that way for the entire game, both on-base and in-mission.
But it all... works, somehow. I've completed Classic, Classic Ironman, and now I have Slingshot I'll be playing through on Impossible. Maybe today. \o/
I think it's been cheaper than $10 before, and of course it will be cheaper in the future. But it's worth $10.
It also has issues with mapt variety, even if it has like 200 handcrafted maps, I feel like the original Xcom had a larger variety of mission locales due to it all being randomized, it feels limited in that you can only have one base (and no base invasions going on), and one skyranger with only one crew there instead of being able to field several at the same time and then do them sequentially when they arrive to the sites.
On the other hand, it really is a very good and engaging game, the removal of the complex inventory also made it more accessible (I really do not miss having to refill EVERY SINGLE UNIT'S AMMO) and streamlined the game. It has issues but it is also amazingly well done.
Also for anyone that gets it, I would really suggest using a pad such as the 360 pad. I was skeptic at first to that, but it really does handle stuff like multi-levelpaths better with a pad, more natural feeling than with the keyboard and mouse.
Edit: I just hope that it gets significant DLC expansions, like Civ V did. More units, more missiontypes, more maps, more everything plxkthx.