grynn: isn't Anodyne just released on Steam?
Yes. And this is kinda the reason why I rarely buy indie games outside of bundles. Any popular indie game will sooner or later be added to one (and these days, it is usually sooner).
I did make an exception for Dominions 3, but I'm sure it will be a part of the next Indie Royale, just to spite me (and make me even more sure of my "don't buy indies" ideas).
Anyway, the bundles does at least look quite nice, unlike many other recent bundles. When they said "Retro bundle", I was afraid that it would just be a bunch of retro-appeal trash (you know, games which only selling point is that it is "retro"). Still, some of those games are not exactly retro in their style. Dead pixels & Smooth operators just have a slightly retro-inspired art style, to my knowledge, the gameplay is not retro. Never heard of Forceline before.