As for the AI cheating, you must have incredible luck.
I distinctly remember missing with 98% chance to hit and cursing a lot. I would not say I have incredible luck, it's just that most times I'm prepared for such eventualities (or at least try to be).
Or, you know, ignore the extra mandatory AI moves when you discover aliens,
That move is so neither you or them can get the drop on one another. Quite a few times you can make it work in your favor or even bypass it (Battle scanner + Rocket Launcher can get you some nice results)
or the habit of maps to give you zero cover aside from explosive items such as cars,
Most (not all) such maps will give you better cover if you're patient and don't approach directly the aliens, but make a detour on the side of the map for a different approach.
or aliens hitting every attack they do round after round while you miss 90% shots
That was never my impression. Position you men better, flank, suppression, use explosives to destroy cover or just lower the difficulty to have aliens with bad aim.
or how about aliens coming out of the dark knowing exactly where your guys are and point blanking them before you can do anything?
The only aliens that can shoot you are those you that you already triggered. New aliens will always move to cover and only fire on the next turn. And if you already triggered them then you can do something. Leave you people in overwatch, good cover, use smoke if you have it, hunker down if you're in a bad spot or retreat to better positions.
How about the fact that if you lose *one mission*, the entire game is pretty much ruined after a certain point?
Not unless you go with the same team and only have rookies at the base. If you keep a balanced team and keep leveling up your rookies you will always have a team that can handle future missions. Also, you can retreat your soldier and abandon mission, saving at least some of them.
Or how panic increases geographically wide instead of mission based, meaning panic spirals out of control if you screw up?
After a few (well positioned) satellites panic levels are manageable. Besides, what do you want? The game to reward you for screwing up. You can lose the game. It's why I like it. It actually challenging. At least on higher levels of difficulty. On Easy I don't think you can lose unless fuck up intentionally and repeatedly.
I'm in the minority for my hate of the game, but I'm not in the minority for thinking it's a cheating POS.
Granted, I only visit the XCOM forums rarely but it's a first for me to hear that the game is cheating. The one complaint I hear often (and agree with) is that the first couple of months are too random on the strategic level. After those couple of months the game is a cakewalk.
The game has a lot of faults I can agree with but I don't agree that it is cheating.
Post edited February 12, 2013 by Aningan