ErekoseDM: my first purchase at ErrorsGate.
probably my last. definitely last for a long while.
ive got too many GOG titles i need to pick up.
just picked up the remaining codes after i saw your post. went strait to the redeem codes button. 5th try of the day is the charm right?
especially with a tip off.
how long til they run out this round. . .
Stooner: I'm so jealous right now.................
sorry to incite jealousy in such an upstanding GOGite >_<
ive been on the edge of an FUUUUUUuuuuuuuuuuuu moment for this whole errorsgate issue. ive been expecting a full disappearance of titles and not even a useless 20% off discount to a store i am unlikely to use soon.
i had the Fallouts and Dishonored out of the errorsgate pinata before it crashed that fateful night and booted me.
abolat: :) I missed the entire thing because I was asleep when it went online... Can't tell you how disappointed i am for not staying up another couple hours, especially with how gamersgate handled the affair afterwards...
they definitely botched the whole smeg up.
i was waiting for some blue coins in lue of cash or some HMV voucher nonsense.
that % discount never interested me, only the pack.
i even had the BL2 4 pack loaded up but passed on it c/o their flakiness. that probably would have gotten the whole plug pulled on my orders so im glad how it ultimately worked out for me (not the time factor in any way though).
i definitely dont trust em at all.
and all my current other GG only titles im expecting to lose at any moment when they try to sell out to steam or some other garbage the concoct.