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Qwertyman: Damn, I didn't know they were going to add more games to that list. I assumed it was static. I had about 8 of those 5 dollar coupons and used them all, otherwise I probably would have jumped on that X-Com deal.
I should warn that X-COM is Vista and later only.

I'm using XP so I ended up getting stuck with a useless $20 key.
Qwertyman: Damn, I didn't know they were going to add more games to that list. I assumed it was static. I had about 8 of those 5 dollar coupons and used them all, otherwise I probably would have jumped on that X-Com deal.
carnival73: I should warn that X-COM is Vista and later only.

I'm using XP so I ended up getting stuck with a useless $20 key.
Ah, that sucks, sorry to hear that. Are you saying you already used the key or you still have it unused? If you still have it and want to possibly trade for it, let me know.
StingingVelvet: Oh man, Dark Souls or Borderlands 2? That's a rough one for me.
BL2 is still really fun alone, but I think the BL games really come alive when co-op'ing with at least one friend. If you aren't going to co-op, you may get more enjoyment out of DS. Both great games. Also keep in mind that DS is a complete purchase, whereas if you end up enjoying BL2, you may end up spending more money at some point for the DLC.
Post edited January 02, 2013 by Qwertyman
Qwertyman: Damn, I didn't know they were going to add more games to that list. I assumed it was static. I had about 8 of those 5 dollar coupons and used them all, otherwise I probably would have jumped on that X-Com deal.
carnival73: I should warn that X-COM is Vista and later only.

I'm using XP so I ended up getting stuck with a useless $20 key.
It seems that there is a fix for this:
carnival73: I should warn that X-COM is Vista and later only.

I'm using XP so I ended up getting stuck with a useless $20 key.
Rodzaju: It seems that there is a fix for this:
Yeah, I saw that but not sure what the success rate is like. Seemed to work for some and not others.

As the key still hasn't been added to my library and I can swap for something that i'm sure of, I'm aiming to trade it out.
Qwertyman: I should warn that X-COM is Vista and later only.

I'm using XP so I ended up getting stuck with a useless $20 key.

Ah, that sucks, sorry to hear that. Are you saying you already used the key or you still have it unused? If you still have it and want to possibly trade for it, let me know.
Post edited January 02, 2013 by carnival73
Qwertyman: BL2 is still really fun alone, but I think the BL games really come alive when co-op'ing with at least one friend. If you aren't going to co-op, you may get more enjoyment out of DS. Both great games. Also keep in mind that DS is a complete purchase, whereas if you end up enjoying BL2, you may end up spending more money at some point for the DLC.
Good point, I resolved to get BL2 when it was cheap and $25 might not be cheap enough when you consider all the DLC. At the same time though Dark Souls sounds more annoying that fun in some respects, like save points and no pausing.

Maybe I should be wild and crazy and get XCOM over both.
StingingVelvet: Maybe I should be wild and crazy and get XCOM over both.

(Although X-Com is also great)
StingingVelvet: Maybe I should be wild and crazy and get XCOM over both.
I regret not picking it up when it was 17.50 USD from GMG the other day.

(Although X-Com is also great)
I'm watching youtube vids and it's just not grabbing me bro... looks like endless muddy corridors and awkward combat. And no pausing seriously makes me want to kill myself.

I really SHOULD love it though. Convince me!
StingingVelvet: Maybe I should be wild and crazy and get XCOM over both.

(Although X-Com is also great)
I love how much you ended up coming around on Dark Souls. :]

(Although X-Com is also great)
Gazoinks: I love how much you ended up coming around on Dark Souls. :]
You have no idea.
Post edited January 02, 2013 by SimonG
I remembered I need $20 for Skyrim's expansion in a few days, so I ended up going for the cheapest option and getting Dark Souls.

I better like it Simon!
StingingVelvet: I better like it Simon!
As I said. You won't like it. But you will eventually love it.
(Read this while downloading)
SimonG: (Read this while downloading)
There are about 15 games ahead of it in my 2012 queue, but yeah... ;)
Gazoinks: I love how much you ended up coming around on Dark Souls. :]
SimonG: You have no idea.
One of us, one of us. :P

I think Dark Souls actually has the most playtime of any game I own. Between PS3 and PC it comes out to around 110 hours, I think.

Guys and gals... Buy TLJ and Dreamfall!
Post edited January 02, 2013 by Drakhyrr