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ne_zavarj: Guess today's GamersGate glitch . :p
Since BL2 is a 2K game, XCOM -91%
Post edited December 28, 2012 by didamangi
ne_zavarj: Guess today's GamersGate glitch . :p
Doesn't matter. They won't honor it. So don't waste your time.
ne_zavarj: Guess today's GamersGate glitch . :p
Assassin's Creed 3 for $10

Couldn't resist >_>
Could be anything, really. I'd love to buy a dozen of them U$60,00 games at 99% discount and gift them here but they'd probably cancel my orders, so yeah.
ne_zavarj: Guess today's GamersGate glitch . :p
bansama: Doesn't matter. They won't honor it. So don't waste your time.
They've honored over 90% of their pricing mistakes over the years.
Go to the xbox360 website and find The Walkind Dead for free. I can't uderstand if it is just ep 1 or the whole collection but be quick :D Only for Xbox 360's. (Can't post link for some reason or create a new thread)
PenguinJim: They've honored over 90% of their pricing mistakes over the years.
Not anymore. Now they're just blanket cancelling orders.
PenguinJim: They've honored over 90% of their pricing mistakes over the years.
bansama: Not anymore. Now they're just blanket cancelling orders.
Must be losing lot of money ;)
PenguinJim: They've honored over 90% of their pricing mistakes over the years.
bansama: Not anymore. Now they're just blanket cancelling orders.
I didn't think they'd cancelled any more since the email? Of course, that was the only time I've ever heard of them refunding their price mistakes in the first place. Did Patrician IV get cancelled for people, too? That's their most recent price mistake, but I didn't hear about people having their orders cancelled and refunds given for that..?
PenguinJim: I didn't think they'd cancelled any more since the email?
What email? I and many others, never got an email or a refund. They've simply just removed the games. Now, if Pat 4 was mistake they made today, then people can expect it to vanish tomorrow. As they removed the Beth pack, Ghost Recon, and Borderlands 2 stuff today. And possibly others too.
Post edited December 28, 2012 by bansama
PenguinJim: I didn't think they'd cancelled any more since the email?
bansama: What email? I and many others, never got an email or a refund. They've simply just removed the games.
This stupid email:

We´re very sorry but due to technical difficulties we are not able to deliver the product you purchased and have provided a full refund of your purchase. We are currently looking into the possibility of additional compensation for this inconvenience.
This email is a very good base for a lawsuit. They are acting against european laws.
Instead of saying, that they made a pricing mistake, they just say that they can't provide keys. After that going into my home, taking away my bought games, leaving the change money on the desk and leaving the house again... this is called theft, where I am!
Eigentlich sind die "Angebote" von Gamersgate ja nicht einmal Angebote im Rechtssinne, sondern für sich jeweils nur eine sog. "invitatio ad offerendum", d.h. eine Aufforderung ein Angebot abzugeben.
Folglich macht nicht einmal Gamersgate dir das Angebot und du kannst annehmen, sondern du ihnen und sie können annehmen. Das du schon bezahlt hast ist schlichtweg eine Vorleistung, die keine Bindungswirkung entfaltet. Wenn sie - wie hier - dein Angebot ablehnen und dir das Geld rückerstatten, dann kannst du dagegen nichts machen. Es gibt halt einfach keinen Vertrag und du hast folglich nur Rückforderungsansprüche was dein Geld betrifft. Aber das kriegst du ja ohnehin.
Im Übrigen können die in diesem Fall wohl auch noch anfechten und dann wäre ein Rechtsgeschäft (aber es gibt ja m.E. keins) auch ex tunc, also als von vornherein als nichtig zu betrachten. Auch dann hast du keine Ansprüche. Aber gehe bitte zum Anwalt, wenn dein gesunder Menschenverstand dir hier nicht zur Erleuchtung verhilft. Der freut sich über dein Geld :-)
PenguinJim: You should stick to english!!!
you are absolutely wrong!

Maybe in Taiwan it is different, but the European Law is really easy to understand at that point.
WIth the moment they sent me the receipt, the trade was accepted from gamersgate (and they did). At this very moment, they own my money and I do own the good I purchased. Just taking it back is theft and will ever be (until they decide to change the law).
PenguinJim: You should stick to english!!!
Ubivis: you are absolutely wrong!

Maybe in Taiwan it is different, but the European Law is really easy to understand at that point.
WIth the moment they sent me the receipt, the trade was accepted from gamersgate (and they did). At this very moment, they own my money and I do own the good I purchased. Just taking it back is theft and will ever be (until they decide to change the law).
Ah, so you've GOT your key. And... now it won't redeem on Steam? That's a new problem I haven't heard of...
PenguinJim: Ah, so you've GOT your key. And... now it won't redeem on Steam? That's a new problem I haven't heard of...
Never said so and it seems you did not read my posts correctly.
Because of this, I do stop this here as you are just trolling around.