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Azilut: *snip*
Aww, now those who exploited the mistake must feel so bad. Perhaps we need to organize some emergency counseling ?

Edit. (this was not directed at you, Azilut, but as a generalization)
Post edited December 27, 2012 by KneeTheCap
ne_zavarj: I never played the Bioshock series .
The Bioshock series is quite good. They two games have a very nice atmosphere to them, one that in some ways reminds me of System Shock 2 (it is a spiritual sequel after all). It is obviously not quite as good as System Shock 2, but very few games are.
Azilut: Gamersgate has started reneging on their mispriced sales. Just got the following e-mail re: the Bethesda bundle:

This message is regarding issues with the Bethesda New Year Collection and the Borderlands 2 Four Pack deal.

We´re very sorry but due to technical difficulties we are not able to deliver the product you purchased and have provided a full refund of your purchase. We are currently looking into the possibility of additional compensation for this inconvenience.

GamersGate team
Did you get Steam keys for anything in the Bethesda bundle at all? I'm wondering if only people who were completely unable to activate anything will get hit with a refund. Luckily I was able to activate Skyrim, plus I've gifted Oblivion to someone so I doubt they'll be able to refund me.
Post edited December 27, 2012 by ABH20
ABH20: Did you get Steam keys for anything in the Bethesda bundle at all? I'm wondering if only people who were completely unable to activate anything will get hit with a refund. Luckily I was able to activate Skyrim, plus I've gifted Oblivion to someone so I doubt they'll be able to refund me.
From what I've read, Steam could revoke the subscriptions attached to their keys.
ABH20: Did you get Steam keys for anything in the Bethesda bundle at all? I'm wondering if only people who were completely unable to activate anything will get hit with a refund. Luckily I was able to activate Skyrim, plus I've gifted Oblivion to someone so I doubt they'll be able to refund me.
retsuseiba: From what I've read, Steam could revoke the subscriptions attached to their keys.
I would send a loveletter to Valve if they revoked those exploited* keys. It'd be so awesome :)

*Can't really come up with a better word than that, so bear with it.
KneeTheCap: I would send a loveletter to Valve if they revoked those exploited* keys. It'd be so awesome :)
For Valve it would be business as usual. For GG, well... gg.
A bit off topic :
To be eligible, you must be a legal resident of the United States (excluding RI) or the District of Columbia, and you must be 18 years or older. Only one entry per person will be accepted, and all entries must be received by 11:59 pm PST, December 30, 2012.
Post edited December 27, 2012 by ne_zavarj
retsuseiba: From what I've read, Steam could revoke the subscriptions attached to their keys.
KneeTheCap: I would send a loveletter to Valve if they revoked those exploited* keys. It'd be so awesome :)

*Can't really come up with a better word than that, so bear with it.
There are people on Cheap Ass Gamer talking about having keys revoked from pricing mistakes that got refunded on other stores like Amazon. With people that got some keys getting refunds now, this is about to get really messy it seems.
ABH20: Did you get Steam keys for anything in the Bethesda bundle at all? I'm wondering if only people who were completely unable to activate anything will get hit with a refund. Luckily I was able to activate Skyrim, plus I've gifted Oblivion to someone so I doubt they'll be able to refund me.
I did not activate any keys; I do not now how they plan to handle those who did.
Post edited December 27, 2012 by Azilut
retsuseiba: From what I've read, Steam could revoke the subscriptions attached to their keys.
Here the error was solely on GG fault. Only if GG or Bethesda would tell Valve that the keys were "illegal" Valve would cancel the subscription without any compensation.

In this whole mess, Valve is only a service provider for Beth or GG (however you look at it). Valve themselves cannot verify the keys. It is a somewhat complicated legal matter.

But what is pretty clear is that the fault is completely on GG shoulders. And offering simple refunds is the cheap way out. Somebody bored could take them to court for this.
Post edited December 27, 2012 by SimonG
retsuseiba: From what I've read, Steam could revoke the subscriptions attached to their keys.
SimonG: Here the error was solely on GG fault. Only if GG or Bethesda would tell Valve that the keys were "illegal" Valve would cancel the subscription without any compensation.

In this whole mess, Valve is only a service provider for Beth or GG (however you look at it). Valve themselves cannot verify the keys. It is a somewhat complicated legal matter.

But what is pretty clear is that the fault is completely on GG shoulders. And offering simple refunds is the cheap way out. Somebody bored could take them to court for this.
Yeah doesn't seem like the refunds are exactly legal to me, but who's going to waste all that time and money on a couple of games?
bobo797: Yeah doesn't seem like the refunds are exactly legal to me, but who's going to waste all that time and money on a couple of games?
It's not a lot of work. The biggest problem in normal cases is to proof stuff. Here everything is documented. The whole mess boils down to two questions for the consumer:

1. Is the contract still valid or can it be voided due to the mistake?

- This can go either way. I don't know current rulings on issues like this.

2. If the contracts are being voided, what kind of damages has GG to pay?

- This can go as high as the current retail price of the package. (Effectively meaning GG has to buy the game for you).

GG dropped the ball on this one, so much is clear. When you use automated software to form these contracts, you are responsible that they work. And this wasn't an isolated incident for GG. These issues are well known.
So did they remove the bundle from even those customers that had redeemed the serials?

Also their refund stated it was because they could not get basically they will have to avoid selling that bundle anytime in the forseable future as if it were to magically show back up on their shelves then everyone could show their receipt and say they want it for the price they had paid for it?

This is not good for GG no matter what as now they are setting a precedent and must act on it from now on, and they also just looked like a complete failure to the bulk of the digital sales community.
Post edited December 27, 2012 by misfire200
misfire200: So did they remove the bundle from even those customers that had redeemed the serials?

Also their refund stated it was because they could not get basically they will have to avoid selling that bundle anytime in the forseable future as if it were to magically show back up on their shelves then everyone could show their receipt and say they want it for the price they had paid for it?

This is not good for GG no matter what as now they are setting a precedent and must act on it from now on, and they also just looked like a complete failure to the bulk of the digital sales community.
Currently, I have only had my Borderlands 2 copies removed which I had no keys for yet. I have received keys for some of the games in the Bethesda pack and have not had it removed yet. I will update this if I do have the bethesda pack (or any of it's games) removed.
I also find it funny that now they are issuing all these refunds all of a sudden every game from Bethesda is now listed as available to buy. Wasn't the majority of the games not able to buy before this?