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SirPrimalform: The latest game on Indie Game Stand is Weird Worlds: Return to Infinite Space, PWYW, Desura and Steam keys, bonus content if you beat the (currently very low) average.
Bought :)

Anyone recommended any good deals on the GG or GMG sales today?. Eying the Moral Kombat Collection on GMG.. Hmmmmmmmm
Post edited December 03, 2012 by nijuu
nijuu: Anyone recommended any good deals on the GG or GMG sales today?. Eying the Moral Kombat Collection on GMG.. Hmmmmmmmm
Soon to expire Sword of the Stars Collection now comes with "Enhanced edition" of sots 2, which is supposed to get most of the early bugs fixed. However it's coupled with a buggy free DLC, and the devs seems to be the only people in the past few years, who dumped 64-bit support and went back to 32...
Post edited December 03, 2012 by grviper
carnival73: Is anyone seeing the EA daily an EA sales section on Greenman right now? It shows it there for us in NZ but doesn't list the games on sale or prices....
bansama: Can't comment for others, but I pretty much can't see *anything* on GMG these days. Looks like they really don't want customers from Japan now; their restrictions are worse than those of D2D back in the day. =(
GMG makes a lot available to us in it was the only place I could get Dark Sector and Hostile Waters and that awesome Spec Ops deal was open to us too, but they do hide some stuff from us and EA (going by the restricted sales they've also had on Gate) is notorious for expecting us to pay the $90 USD for games under there control so it wasn't too much of a surprise that at the same time GMG had a huge EA crop up today that most of today's sales have been sort of half there without prices listed.
carnival73: Snip
GMG won't even sell titles to us that Steam sell here! And that pretty much sums them up.

Still, it's all good for me I guess as it means I'll be buying far far less now. Won't buy from GMG as they obviously don't want my custom. Won't be buying from GG now given their recent move to kill a "permanent" discount and then try to claim people misunderstood the words "permanent" and "always". Won't buy most things from Steam as they continue to pull their price hiking on us. Won't be buying much from Gamestop DL as they can never decide if they actually want to sell to us or whether they're going to price hike (the prices of their Ubisoft titles is a freaking joke).

So, I guess I'll just go back to waiting for Steam sales and then having overseas friends help with purchasing via gifts next year.

Speaking of that GG discount fiasco, I'm obviously not the only person who has not been pleased. Generally during a GG sale I see a lot of affiliate sale via Didimatic (enough to earn around 30 or 40 USD worth of BC). This sale, I haven't seen a single affiliate sale and the first week is now over.
Hawk52: If you're going to emulate the games, why even buy the packs at all? The whole point of the packs are to legally get the games in a format working on modern systems.
Because you answered your own question.
carnival73: Snip
bansama: GMG won't even sell titles to us that Steam sell here! And that pretty much sums them up.

Still, it's all good for me I guess as it means I'll be buying far far less now. Won't buy from GMG as they obviously don't want my custom. Won't be buying from GG now given their recent move to kill a "permanent" discount and then try to claim people misunderstood the words "permanent" and "always". Won't buy most things from Steam as they continue to pull their price hiking on us. Won't be buying much from Gamestop DL as they can never decide if they actually want to sell to us or whether they're going to price hike (the prices of their Ubisoft titles is a freaking joke).

So, I guess I'll just go back to waiting for Steam sales and then having overseas friends help with purchasing via gifts next year.

Speaking of that GG discount fiasco, I'm obviously not the only person who has not been pleased. Generally during a GG sale I see a lot of affiliate sale via Didimatic (enough to earn around 30 or 40 USD worth of BC). This sale, I haven't seen a single affiliate sale and the first week is now over.
Yeah, I'm not sure what happened with that 15% coupon - Did it cost those who had it quite a bit?

I never knew that it existed until I heard the stink about it.

I haven't got a whole lot from GG recently simply as I have mostly everything - However they have brought in a few new and interesting games over the past month that so far seem exclusive to them.

As for region locking - Gamestop and Gamefly are horrendously bad over here. I usually don't bother to even look at those two sites no matter what deals are rumored to be there.

I personally would probably drop back into consoles again if NZ prices were on par with US - but the cost of console gaming over here brings tears to my eyes from laughing so hard.

I love seeing big massive 75% off sales on 360 games and they're still priced around sixty bucks. XD
Hawk52: If you're going to emulate the games, why even buy the packs at all? The whole point of the packs are to legally get the games in a format working on modern systems.
Skunk: Because you answered your own question.
Every Genesis title ever made can be pulled in one big zip in under thirty mins.

VS painstakingly paying $3 a piece for each one individually.

You'll never do it man, it's impossible. XD
Post edited December 03, 2012 by carnival73
Hawk52: If you're going to emulate the games, why even buy the packs at all? The whole point of the packs are to legally get the games in a format working on modern systems.
Skunk: Because you answered your own question.
If you're going to do that, then just buy the cartridges. No DRM, no programs, no nothing. It's not like any of the games in these packs are very rare.

Or just don't buy them at all. In the end it doesn't matter. I just find the idea of paying for packs of these games and then not using the packs and instead using work around programs to play them to be really silly.
carnival73: Yeah, I'm not sure what happened with that 15% coupon - Did it cost those who had it quite a bit?

I never knew that it existed until I heard the stink about it.
Well, there's the thing. It was meant to only be for active IGN Prime subs, but IGN included it in their trial and people were able to get it ultimately for free. No one ever deactivated it in that case. But then right on Black Friday, GG decided to pull the plug. Emailing only some people about it and deactivating it early for some active subs (such as mine, which is now canceled as I only ever used it for the GG discount).

GG claim their contract with IGN expired. IGN claim they didn't know what was happening.

I've explained in several long emails to people at GG why I won't be buying from them now and what they can do to earn my custom back. To put that in context, I have made enough purchases/drive enough affiliate sales to GG to earn their highest level almost 10 times over. So that's a lot of business they're now losing from me.

I have to wonder if their decision to remove that discount now (which, yes, they ultimately had to pay for) is going to cost them more than paying said difference! After all, half the profit from one discounted sale is still better than no profit from a lost sale -- and that's gotta add up fast.

So right now, I feel they need to offer some sort of loyalty benefit to make up for the fact that they cannot/are not willing to compete competitively with the other services price wise.

carnival73: As for region locking - Gamestop and Gamefly are horrendously bad over here. I usually don't bother to even look at those two sites no matter what deals are rumored to be there.
That's how a I feel with GMG now. I keep hearing of these 30%/35% off vouchers but what use are they when the games I want to use them on are not being sold to me? May as well wait for a Steam sale and buy directly.

On the other hand, GameFly actually offer a few more titles here than D2D did. But I still won't buy from them after they way killed my legal copy of SWAT4. If they can do that with SWAT4, they can do it with any game they sell.

I feel the same with console gaming too. We're paying about the same as you I think. There's only be a few games I've been prepared to buy first hand at release here, Yakuza 5 being one of them ($108 USD) but that number I can count on one hand.

At least handhelds are a bit cheaper as my children mainly play games on those.
Post edited December 03, 2012 by bansama
Hawk52: Or just don't buy them at all. In the end it doesn't matter. I just find the idea of paying for packs of these games and then not using the packs and instead using work around programs to play them to be really silly.
The simple fact is that most people who are not pirates but use abandonware or ROMs have a strict policy and moral rationalization of "well they're not being sold anywhere other than used." Since Sega is selling these games legitimately we HAVE to buy them or not play them, It is the moral thing to do.
carnival73: Snip
bansama: GMG won't even sell titles to us that Steam sell here! And that pretty much sums them up.
What? I made the complete opposite experience, I get all the SEGA stuff and other 'region restricted' games from GMG that is not sold on Steam JP.

PS: today GG deals:
Gothis Bundle includes Arcania 4 (SecuRom) +Setariff for $12.50

Also Painkiller Hell & Damnation for $10
Post edited December 03, 2012 by dyscode
dyscode: What? I made the complete opposite experience, I get all the SEGA stuff and other 'region restricted' games from GMG that is not sold on Steam JP.
The SEGA games don't show for me. Would have bought Hell Yeah but nope, wasn't possible. Would also have purchased LEGO Lord of the Rings, but that too, cannot be purchased.

In fact, I checked a good 10 games and not a single one was available. the complete lack of any Ubisoft titles for yet another example...
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light 75% off, $3.75, Steamworks
Victoria Complete 75% off, $2.5, DRM-Free
The Settlers®: Heritage of Kings 75% off, $2.5, TAGES!
Supreme Ruler 2020 Gold 75% off, $2.5, Other DRM
RACE 07 60% off, $2, Steamworks
STCC The Game 60% off, $2, Steamworks
Shoot Many Robots 66% off, $3.38, Steamworks
Mad Riders 60% off, $4, Steamworks
Post edited December 03, 2012 by grynn
dyscode: What? I made the complete opposite experience, I get all the SEGA stuff and other 'region restricted' games from GMG that is not sold on Steam JP.
bansama: The SEGA games don't show for me. Would have bought Hell Yeah but nope, wasn't possible. Would also have purchased LEGO Lord of the Rings, but that too, cannot be purchased.

In fact, I checked a good 10 games and not a single one was available. the complete lack of any Ubisoft titles for yet another example...
Ok I don't get LEGO LOTR but besides that I don't have any problems.
And only the GMG.UK has the Ubisoft deals. Similar restriction to for EA games.
Strange, maybe you internet provider / GeoIP??? I don't know...

and some Deals from GG WEEK 2: and it's adventure week.
Might & Magic 9
is 75% off for $2.50, DRM Free
and here is a site for D/L the 1.3 patch to make it work:

Cold Fear
is 60% off for $4 BUT Tagés DRM!
the game that wants to be Resident Evil so badly.
A not such a bad game, actually quite ok ;)

Sinking Island 50% OFF/ $5 FRM Free
For that price it might be actually ok, if you are into Benoit Sokal's games.

Louvre - The Messenger
is also worth mentioning for $5 / -50% among the nearly complete Anuman catalog sale on sale this week but unfortunately most of them are just Casual games, this is not.

so far, as I am concerend with the sales.
Post edited December 03, 2012 by dyscode
Billy Hatcher $8.07

dyscode: Snip
Can't access GMG UK. It auto redirects to .com. They also display Ubisoft as a publisher at the bottom of the page which to me, would say that titles should be on offer. Don't see EA listed there, so there's no excuse for it to be there if they aren't selling titles.

For that matter, I tried accessing GMG recently using a UK IP address. Same thing. No Ubisoft titles, etc. They don't want my money, so they won't be getting it.