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StingingVelvet: Is Dark Messiah on Amazon a Steam key or a download? Appears to be a download and I would pay $2.50 to get it DRM free (I have a Steam version).
Immoli: I contacted them and they responded by saying

"All information we have available is listed on the product's detail page, including file format, compatibility, DRM, etc., You can view that information here:"

With a link.

So yeah. Not really sure seeing as how it doesn't list steam but at the same time doesn't list something like DRM-free which a lot of other games that are just downloads do.
It's definitely not steam according to Tony, but not sure about DRM free.
dovahcore: You're welcome. ;D
racerboi101: Fixed it, thanks!
It was too late - You know how fast rumors spread. I'm sure eBay is running quite a bit slower with collectors hounding it right now. XD
ajsultan: Speaking of Humble Bundle, it looks like there would be a THQ Humble Bundle too:
THQ may not be an indie but they certainly are looking pretty humble these days. ;)

Such a bundle would be interesting. A number of those games are steamworks only. I wonder if the Humble Bundle people are abandoning multi-platform and drm-free as elements of their platform.
Any Warlock Master of the Arcane sale anywhere?
trusteft: Any Warlock Master of the Arcane sale anywhere?
GMG had one but I believe they sold out of keys. Amazon will be having a bundle that just has the game. I would not be surprised if it does not pop up on steam soon enough.

Spec Ops The Line - $6 after using 20% off code
Sonic Adventure 2 & Battle DLC - Released


"You probably got all of these games months ago and for a much better price" Sale - Lasts the next 9 days in patronage of Thanksgiving.
Post edited November 19, 2012 by carnival73
carnival73: Greenman

Spec Ops The Line - $6 after using 20% off code
Sonic Adventure 2 & Battle DLC - Released


"You probably got all of these games months ago and for a much better price" Sale - Lasts the next 9 days in patronage of Thanksgiving.
Spec Ops The Line is a great single player game (PS3 version anyway). I don't know why it has dropped so much in price.

trusteft: Any Warlock Master of the Arcane sale anywhere?
misfire200: GMG had one but I believe they sold out of keys. Amazon will be having a bundle that just has the game. I would not be surprised if it does not pop up on steam soon enough.
I hope so. It's not that I consider 19.99 euros that much to ask for the game, I am not exactly swimming in money right now, I have the huge urge to play the game. Weird eh?

Of course the best would be for GOG to get the game DRM free, but I think it is the low blood sugar talking. ok, time to eat a sandwich and watch Odyssey 5.
Post edited November 19, 2012 by trusteft
carnival73: Greenman

Spec Ops The Line - $6 after using 20% off code
Sonic Adventure 2 & Battle DLC - Released


"You probably got all of these games months ago and for a much better price" Sale - Lasts the next 9 days in patronage of Thanksgiving.
trusteft: Spec Ops The Line is a great single player game (PS3 version anyway). I don't know why it has dropped so much in price.
System requirements often times cut out the 4 million potential buyers in this country.

I've spoken to four different gamers over here now who haven't updated their PC's since 2005 and felt it cheaper to just get a 360. Since everyone bought a 360 it's just more practical for all of their friends to follow suite.

I'm one of the few here who didn't take the hint and keep insisting that I can get a lot of these games to run without buying a 360 to dodge a massively pricey computer upgrade if only the developers would switch on SSE1 recognition.

At the speed it's taking to get a better PC, I might be all 360 next year too.
Daily deal on Steam is I Am Alive 40% off
YES, I've been waiting for that!

EDIT: but the large amout of problems with that game make me shudder.
Post edited November 19, 2012 by dyscode
There is some sort of promotion for Two Worlds 2 Velvet edition in Russia for under 1$.

{Could some gamer from there buy the game for me? }
danteveli: There is some sort of promotion for Two Worlds 2 Velvet edition in Russia for under 1$.

{Could some gamer from there buy the game for me? }
OMG I just saw that too!! and I've been wanting it for a long time now, if anyone from russia
can help and gift me the game I'd give you even a bit extra on paypal or if you prefer to trade
it for a spare game I have, it's possible too, thanks in advance :D
Went back about 75-100 posts to yesterday and didn't see this mentioned so sorry if repost.

Disciples II Gold - $1.99
Zangtesu: Well the spec ops deal seems to be off right now. Maybe they run out of keys :(
Austrobogulator: Back now.
Thanks bought it for 2.70€ :D
racerboi101: Here are the currently active deals with Steam Redeemable keys on Amazon.

Sid Meier's Civilization V Game of the Year Edition - $12.49
I'd grab this but a little scared of the comments, they say the Steam key is invalid when they try to register it. I'd be buying from outside US also, so I'm not sure I want to get into that.
trusteft: Spec Ops The Line is a great single player game (PS3 version anyway)
SpecOps: The Line is a great single player _experience_, with great story, good voiceovers, bland music(i felt many times that good and fitting background music could have enhanced the experience - not counting the rare licensed tunes), average sound and graphical effects(with "limited texture memory on consoles" bad looking parts), pretty and diverse scenery(as a sand filled city can get), and horrible chest high walls cover shooting mechanics, brainded ai, and some incorrectly placed checkpoints. Also the chopper section, oh my that was frustrating.

As a TPS cover shooter, it falls on its face very hard.
As Heart of Apocalypse: The Game, it succeeds in questioning the whole xenophobic Modern Military Dudebro Shooter setup we have in the game industry right now.

carnival73: I'm one of the few here who didn't take the hint and keep insisting that I can get a lot of these games to run without buying a 360 to dodge a massively pricey computer upgrade if only the developers would switch on SSE1 recognition.
As far as i know last processor that was lacking SSE2 instructions was the AMD Sempron line(based on last years Athlon XP) in early 2004, and those were not meant to run games, they were aimed at budget office PC-s.
I played SpecOps on a 4 year old PC with graphics maxed, and i found that Core 2 Duo+HD4850 is able to handle practically any game i threw at it over the years at 1280x1024 resolution. Also of note is that machines current second hand value, which is the price of a used X360 console..

carnival73: At the speed it's taking to get a better PC, I might be all 360 next year too.
Just in time to see its EOL. :(
Either that, or the average PC ports will look absolutely rubbish next to the few PC exclusives in 2014.
Post edited November 19, 2012 by p_mamusz