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darknath: Have steam coupons for
-50% off Alan Wake Collectors Edition..
-75% Trine Complete Collection

if anybody wants either of em PM me and you'll get it :)

(expires Nov 21st)
Wrong thread .
darknath: Have steam coupons for
-50% off Alan Wake Collectors Edition..
-75% Trine Complete Collection

if anybody wants either of em PM me and you'll get it :)

(expires Nov 21st)
ne_zavarj: Wrong thread .
and why is that? - i'm not trading, ergo not classified... it's coupons for discounts not full games, so it can't be the steam gifts thread...

this is an offer for a gaming deal..

anyways - there so much other pointless talk and spam in this thread - so the problem is where?
darknath: and why is that?
The Indieroyale Harvest Bundle is here. It includes Mutant Mudds, Avernum: The Great Trials Trilogy (4, 5, and 6), Pineapple Smash Crew, Spirits, and BasketBelle.

Definitely not a bundle to be missed.
Post edited November 10, 2012 by Skunk
Skunk: Definitely not a bundle to be missed.
Why? I ask because I am only familiar with Avernum. I know nothing of the other games. Spirits looks interesting, but the others...
Post edited November 10, 2012 by Andanzas
Skunk: Definitely not a bundle to be missed.
Andanzas: Why? I ask because I am only familiar with Avernum. I know nothing of the other games. Spirits looks interesting, but the others...
Why not? Avernum is great. That alone is a reason to get the bundle. Mutant Mudds is pretty amazing reason to get the bundle, too. Bought that one on Desura at launch, played it obsessively, and now it's a steal here. I've had my eye on Pineapple Smash Crew for months now. It looks fun, but it's never had a very good sale up until now, aside from a 50% off sale on Steam. I don't know anything about the rest.

Myself, I mostly got it for Pineapple Smash Crew and to try the other two, since I already have Mutant Mudds and the second Avernum trilogy.
CymTyr: The GameFly version of BioShock 2 uses GFWL, Fox : /
Foxhack: I know and I don't care.

I ask because Steam (where I own the game) -never- got the DLC because 2K are jerks, but I heard that you could buy the DLC from somewhere like GameFly, and use it since it was a GFWL key. (Much like Arkham City's DLC, you had to enter a key in the GFWL client to use it.)
OH. Now I've got you. In that case, it should be usable barring region restrictions.
Bet on Soldier is 85% off at GG (DRM-Free)
Amazon digital :

Prototype Pack:
Prototype, Prototype 2, and the Prototype 2: RADNET DLC Pack $9.99 ( you can buy the Steam or non-Steam version of the pack )
Post edited November 11, 2012 by ne_zavarj
ne_zavarj: Amazon digital :

Prototype Pack:
Prototype, Prototype 2, and the Prototype 2: RADNET DLC Pack $9.99 ( you can buy the Steam or non-Steam version of the pack )
grynn: Bet on Soldier is 85% off at GG (DRM-Free)
I just did this last night. Seems like a really obscure NoName Developer game but it ran smooth, looked good and according the write-up it features unique arena game play outfitting yourself with armor, weapons and back up soldiers for each match.

No offline skirmish against bots, however, but the campaign is pretty much all one skirmish to the next from the looks of things - I'm expecting an FPS version of Lucas Arts' 'Gladiator' that came out for consoles during the previous generation.
grynn: Bet on Soldier is 85% off at GG (DRM-Free)
carnival73: I just did this last night. Seems like a really obscure NoName Developer game but it ran smooth, looked good and according the write-up it features unique arena game play outfitting yourself with armor, weapons and back up soldiers for each match.

No offline skirmish against bots, however, but the campaign is pretty much all one skirmish to the next from the looks of things - I'm expecting an FPS version of Lucas Arts' 'Gladiator' that came out for consoles during the previous generation.
Was also interested in this but do not know to expect from the 'arena'-feature. The mechs look really cool though.
But beware of the System Requirements! I mean Geforce 3 and and Windows 2000 (XP) do you hav an machine OLD enough to run that? lol
Post edited November 11, 2012 by dyscode
carnival73: I just did this last night. Seems like a really obscure NoName Developer game but it ran smooth, looked good and according the write-up it features unique arena game play outfitting yourself with armor, weapons and back up soldiers for each match.

No offline skirmish against bots, however, but the campaign is pretty much all one skirmish to the next from the looks of things - I'm expecting an FPS version of Lucas Arts' 'Gladiator' that came out for consoles during the previous generation.
dyscode: Was also interested in this but do not know to expect from the 'arena'-feature. The mechs look really cool though.
But beware of the System Requirements! I mean Geforce 3 and and Windows 2000 (XP) do you hav an machine OLD enough to run that? lol
I was surprised, the graphics look quite good despite.
carnival73: I was surprised, the graphics look quite good despite.
The screenhots look nice. IMHO, most games of the Unreal- & Quake 3-Engine etc. games of the Y2k-turn era have aged remarkably well.
carnival73: I was surprised, the graphics look quite good despite.
dyscode: The screenhots look nice. IMHO, most games of the Unreal- & Quake 3-Engine etc. games of the Y2k-turn era have aged remarkably well.
I still have yet to get back to it. Spent four hours yesterday in Space Colony and a good several in the revised Dungeon Lords today..

Not necessarily a 'deal' but does deserve announcement:

Vanguard Princess has apparently been localized for an English speaking audience and sitting pretty at $10 over at Gate: