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Darkness Within Collector's Edition 75% off (DRM-Free)

You can help these Turkish devs (Zoetrope Interactive) a lot by getting this bundle, if you like adventure games.
New Amazon Deal of the Week:

The Harry Batman Pack - $13.99 (You'll get separate Steam keys)

LEGO Batman - $4.99 (Steam)

You can purchase the games separately for 75% off here.
racerboi101: New Amazon Deal of the Week:

The Harry Batman Pack - $13.99 (You'll get separate Steam keys)

LEGO Batman - $4.99 (Steam)

You can purchase the games separately for 75% off </span>. <a href="" class="link_arrow"></a></div> Already reported 3 posts above yours, and I do not trust the [url=] type of links, you never know where they are leading you and what's behind them.
amok: you never know where they are leading you and what's behind them.
Right under the buy button there's "Share" there. Click it to get the short link.
I have no clue, how you know, where the full ones lead you - "gp/product/B009YL65Q4?ie=UTF8&camp=213733&creative=393185&creativeASIN=B009YL65Q4&linkCode=sh r&tag=amazon042f -20&ield-keywords=The%20Harry%20Batman%20Pack"
amok: you never know where they are leading you and what's behind them.
grviper: Right under the buy button there's "Share" there. Click it to get the short link.
I have no clue, how you know, where the full ones lead you - "gp/product/B009YL65Q4?ie=UTF8&camp=213733&creative=393185&creativeASIN=B009YL65Q4&linkCode=sh r&tag=amazon042f -20&ield-keywords=The%20Harry%20Batman%20Pack"
ah, no, not how to make them. I never clikc links like that since I do not know where they lead. I don't trust them.
ne_zavarj: The Harry Batman Pack [Download] $13.99 ( LEGO Batman not included )
What? Really? Yeah, this totally makes sense.

GOG should start bundles too. "In our EA promo you can buy Ultima and Wing Commander games separately or you can buy our Ultima Commander bundle* (*for your shopping pleasure does not contain Ultima VIII)." :-/
amok: you never know where they are leading you and what's behind them.
grviper: Right under the buy button there's "Share" there. Click it to get the short link.
I have no clue, how you know, where the full ones lead you - "gp/product/B009YL65Q4?ie=UTF8&camp=213733&creative=393185&creativeASIN=B009YL65Q4&linkCode=sh r&tag=amazon042f -20&ield-keywords=The%20Harry%20Batman%20Pack"
When making Amazon links, all you need is plus /dp/, then the product code, which in your case is B009YL65Q4.

The link then becomes

P.S. Reminder that G2PO (5% discount code) is still working at GamersGate, even works on blue coins.
Post edited November 04, 2012 by GoJays2025
Yeah but they didn't provide links to it so I did and I've added more info. is under Amazon, shortened version of Amazon. Try it or google to know more about it and not look like you're new to the internet. Good day! :)
racerboi101: Yeah but they didn't provide links to it so I did and I've added more info. is under Amazon, shortened version of Amazon. Try it or google to know more about it and not look like you're new to the internet. Good day! :)
nah, never have trusted shortened links, never will, I don't trust anything which is not what it is. I am old and I am paranoid, so sue me.

However, I am not so new to the internet that I am not able to input Amazon in the address line of my browser...
racerboi101: Yeah but they didn't provide links to it so I did and I've added more info. is under Amazon, shortened version of Amazon. Try it or google to know more about it and not look like you're new to the internet. Good day! :)
amok: nah, never have trusted shortened links, never will, I don't trust anything which is not what it is. I am old and I am paranoid, so sue me.

However, I am not so new to the internet that I am not able to input Amazon in the address line of my browser...
To each its own, no one is stopping you to do what you want. If you want to go and manually type and search for the products you want do so. At the same time you have no right to stop anyone from using the easier way. Again to each its own. :)
Freddi Fish 5 The Case of The Creature of Coral Cove $6.99
Indie Buskers Bundle 2:

6 fresh indie games (plus another one that's not complete yet) in a Pay-What-You-Want bundle. Don't be deterred by the "Indie Buskers are closed" message, just click the "Buy" button at the top of the screen. The bundle contains:

Phone Phantom by Sophie Houlden
"Use telephones to call customer service hotlines. If you can navigate past the robots to an actual human you can possess them!"

Hatesnake 3d by Friedrich Hanisch (Ratking)
"You're a space-snake in a box, every 10 seconds your tail becomes a wall, you can use bombs, and the colors are pretty strange. There are other snakes and boxes and wtf."

electreus by Sos Sosowski
"Make 'Polybius', an (alleged) game that drove people insane (literally) and got observed by goverment agents"

Space Brawl by Pekka Kujansuu
"2D brawler style game with zero gravity stuff going on. You can punch a guy and disable gravity to make him fly sky high." (not completed yet)

Diplomatic Doom by Ido Yehieli
"It's Doom, but you can talk to the monsters. The UAC Space Marine ship has arrived on Mars. Unfortunately the marines are all space-sick from the journey so they sent you, the ship's counselor, to find a diplomatic solution."

DandyDan by Phil Hassey
"A hedge maze where you control the hedges. The dandy needs his coins! Build a hedge so he collects his coins and doesn't get eaten by the hedge monsters! (Download includes Win32 & Mac binaries.)"

Sneaky Brats by Mike Hommel
"Stealth game in which putting your hands over your eyes really does make you invisible. The brats are competing in Capture The Flag on a playground, using a variety of imagination powers (You Can't See Me, The Floor Is Lava, etc)."
Post edited November 04, 2012 by Psyringe
The Political Machine 2012 $4.95 .
King Arthur II - The Role-playing Wargame is 66% off at GG (DRM-Free!)
Binary Domain on GMG for €$10. 25% OFF Coupon applies.
frakking nice game!

and GG and a massive sale on Heads Up games;q=headupweek
like Deadly 30 for $2.49 DRM free, I dig that game.
some crazy sort of Tower & Castle defense game

and Elven Legacy Midweek;q=legacymidweek
EL Collection $3.75 DRM free
Post edited November 05, 2012 by dyscode