Posted October 03, 2012
trusteft: For 5 pounds I would say get it, especially since you know nothing about it and have no expectations on what it should be...
Yeah because buying games blindly just because they are discounted is always a great tactic. :D Last thing i bought solely on recommendation without proper research was Space Rangers 2 Reboot, and while the 3D RTS part is okay(bit basic and dull though - i also thought most of the game will be like this from the pictures..), but i totally disliked the 2D Elite clone part; 5 euros wasted.
Hitman Midweek sale on GamersGate 4.5 pounds for the three games. Sadly Contracts still cant be purchased online. :( It has an amazing soundtrack by Jesper Kyd. (And i found my bundled copy on disc that came with my late Audigy 2 ZS sound card. yay)
Post edited October 03, 2012 by p_mamusz