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Torchlight 2 4-pack, contains 4 copies of Torchlight 2 and Torchlight 1, pre-order for 56.99 euros:

Cthulhu Saves the World 4-pack, contains 4 copies of CStW+ Breath of Death VII, 25% off,DRM-free costs 5.97 euros(if anybody buys it and wants to gift away the other copies, I'd be interested ;)

Infans Solaris 3-pack is 33% off, costs just 3.18 euros, DRM-free :

Majesty Gold HD is 40% off, costs 5.97 euros, DRM-free:

Wanderlust: Rebirth 4-pack is 25% off, costs 22.77 euros:

STORM Frontline Nation is 67% off, costs 9.95, steamworks:

Wars and Warriors - Joan of Arc is 66% off, costs just 3.40 euros, DRM-free:

Empire& Napoleon Total War GOTY Edition is 66% off, costs 10.18 euros:
Post edited August 18, 2012 by Licurg
orcishgamer: From what I understand it got a lot of undeserved hate. I picked it up on my 360 awhile ago for a pittance, it's actually at the top of my stack once I'm done with Darksiders II.
Coelocanth: I grabbed it as well for around 4 bucks (had a game trade-in to add to the price reduction). Looking forward to it, as I've also read a few threads on other forums where people indicated the game didn't get a fair shake. I'm intrigued with it and for $4 I figure what the hell. Don't know when I'll get around to it, as I'm still playing L.A. Noire and Avadon:The Black Fortress, but I'm glad I got it for a great price.
If either of you are lotr lore-junkies you will love the game. I intend to play through it this weekend. Based on reviews the SP campaign is rumored to be slightly boring; I have not found that to be the case.
grviper: Some guys, called Vitality, took care of all the DRM in SH5 1.2 :)
dyscode: Ok, that's SH5 cracked, which is still the wrong way
but what about the other games, Dust Hawx & Driver?

it's still permanent online connection-shit.
Dust only required a connection the first week it was patched out pretty quickly. From what I remember only a couple of games needed always on the rest were on boot only...
dyscode: Ok, that's SH5 cracked, which is still the wrong way
but what about the other games, Dust Hawx & Driver?

it's still permanent online connection-shit.
wodmarach: Dust only required a connection the first week it was patched out pretty quickly. From what I remember only a couple of games needed always on the rest were on boot only...
Thanks for clearing that up. Wonder why they never update their product descriptions.
Seems like they don't want customers...
Supreme Commander 1 is 75% off on Steam.
lightnica: Supreme Commander 1 is 75% off on Steam.


Forged Alliance

Both great games, really recommend them.
Buy GOLD, definitely. One of the best sci-fi strategy games, with huge scale (huge units, smooth zooming, etc), and the expansion gives you tons of new units, new race and extends the campaign greatly.
keeveek: Buy GOLD, definitely. One of the best sci-fi strategy games, with huge scale (huge units, smooth zooming, etc), and the expansion gives you tons of new units, new race and extends the campaign greatly.
Yeah, like TA or Spring, only fatter.

SupCom and FA have multiple sound issues, which were never patched. I grabbed both a few days ago and can report absolutely no working voiceovers, silent movies, mostly absent unit sounds in both games and vanishing music in FA. Win XP 32, SB XiFi... Apparently the game hates Creative audio.
grviper, from your posts lately, I see that you have sound issues with quite a few games ;-)
grviper: ...
Played both games on XP 32bit and Win7 64bit and I never had any issues.
Both systems were laptops, so crappy on-board sound.
keeveek: grviper, from your posts lately, I see that you have sound issues with quite a few games ;-)
You mean, massive threads, including stickies on official forums and bizarre (and not always working) fixes like downloading Windows SDK are just my hallucination? If GPG decided to bank on crappy special MS audio library no one in their right mind used, they should've fixed it.

DodoGeo: Both systems were laptops, so crappy on-board sound.
Oddly, SupCom is much better off with Realtek audio.
One more thing, if any of you has a boxed version of Supreme Commander you can activate your key and receive the Gold version on Steam.

Best if you have a boxed Gold version. Activating either key (SupComm or FA) gives you a Gold version, so basically you have 2 Steam Gold versions in your box.
DodoGeo: One more thing, if any of you has a boxed version of Supreme Commander you can activate your key and receive the Gold version on Steam.

Best if you have a boxed Gold version. Activating either key (SupComm or FA) gives you a Gold version, so basically you have 2 Steam Gold versions in your box.
You sure? I thought some of the keys didn't work.

A local store still has tons of these for like two dollars...
I got SupCom retail in video games magazine, and the cd key also activated GOLD on steam ;-)
DodoGeo: One more thing, if any of you has a boxed version of Supreme Commander you can activate your key and receive the Gold version on Steam.

Best if you have a boxed Gold version. Activating either key (SupComm or FA) gives you a Gold version, so basically you have 2 Steam Gold versions in your box.
Foxhack: You sure? I thought some of the keys didn't work.

A local store still has tons of these for like two dollars...
Well there were reports from a few people that their keys didn't work, but for 2 dollars?

The worst case scenario is you'll have a disc version of an awesome game.