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Binary Domain 75% OFF
Darksiders 75% OFF
Metro 2033 75% OFF
Saints Row 3 65% OFF
Company of Heroes GOTY 50% OFF
Nexuiz 50% OFF

GameFly ( i miss the good old D2D )

Max Payne 3 50% off ( $29.99 )

Recsam511: why?
separate store for the UK , US ( $ zone ) and the EU
$1 = 1€ crap
Post edited July 27, 2012 by ne_zavarj
Tried to buy Borderlands GOTY and immediately got a paypal refund a few seconds later - strange. Never had any problems with GMG until now. Too bad, I guess.
Ys: The oath in Felghana Steam daily deal 66% off at just over $5....
zeliArd: Tried to buy Borderlands GOTY and immediately got a paypal refund a few seconds later - strange. Never had any problems with GMG until now. Too bad, I guess.
It doesn't even show the product page for borderlands GOTY to me. Borderlands 2 shows up fine though.
From Matrix Games newsletter, a code for a 50% discount on Unity of Command, normally for 27.99USD (excl. VAT):


I already own it so am just passing the code to whoever missed the sale of this fun strategy game (
For U.S. Only:

If you got to BestBuy, you can get Assassins Creed: Revelations for $9.99.

If you go to Gamestop, they'll take it for about $15. (Blockbuster has a trade-in value of $25 if you have one around -- all of ours closed)

They'll only do 1 trade at a time and the price might not stay solid, but I made a few extra dollars in Gamestop credit that way. :D

The man at Gamestop told me that 9.99 is less than they buy the game for wholesale. So it's a good deal for sure.

NOTE: Value is dropping very fast. Amazon is down to just 25 cent trade-in value, so you may want to be cautious when trying it.

NOTE 2: Be sure your Gamestop or other store is willing to make the trade before doing it. I asked my friendly Gamestop man ahead of time and he said he would pay me lower than wholesale, but I was still making money. I sold some to a local mom-and-pop shop at cost, too, with full disclosure. The deal is just really, really good at Best Buy that they're selling for lower than other stores can buy them at. But if the market gets flooded (I sort of doubt it will b/c my Best Buy was out of stock pretty quick) the price will naturally go down.
Post edited July 27, 2012 by Tallima
Tallima: For U.S. Only:

If you got to BestBuy, you can get Assassins Creed: Revelations for $9.99.

If you go to Gamestop, they'll take it for about $15. (Blockbuster has a trade-in value of $25 if you have one around -- all of ours closed)

They'll only do 1 trade at a time and the price might not stay solid, but I made a few extra dollars in Gamestop credit that way. :D

The man at Gamestop told me that 9.99 is less than they buy the game for wholesale. So it's a good deal for sure.

NOTE: Value is dropping very fast. Amazon is down to just 25 cent trade-in value, so you may want to be cautious when trying it.
People who are only prevented from outright theft by fear of the law, not empathy, scare me more than known criminals.
orcishgamer: Magicka and Dungeon Defenders officially have the stupidest fucking DLC policies, managing to even outclass the THQ Warhammer 40k Dawn of War II DLC bullshit.

Sorry, I cannot answer your question, I doubt the developers could it's so fucked.
Wait what? I do agree, all of those games have a shit ton of DLC, but at least Relic made sure the DLC for Retribution, that THQ demanded, was totally non essential, mostly cosmetic, and doesnt cut out any of the playerbase. Are we crying over skins, sidegrade items in single an TheLastStand, and the Tau character in TLS? o.O Normal multiplayer(where the fun is at) was left totally unchanged for instance, and single player items are totally un needed, same with TLS stuff.
Smiles HD $5.24
orcishgamer: Magicka and Dungeon Defenders officially have the stupidest fucking DLC policies, managing to even outclass the THQ Warhammer 40k Dawn of War II DLC bullshit.

Sorry, I cannot answer your question, I doubt the developers could it's so fucked.
p_mamusz: Wait what? I do agree, all of those games have a shit ton of DLC, but at least Relic made sure the DLC for Retribution, that THQ demanded, was totally non essential, mostly cosmetic, and doesnt cut out any of the playerbase. Are we crying over skins, sidegrade items in single an TheLastStand, and the Tau character in TLS? o.O Normal multiplayer(where the fun is at) was left totally unchanged for instance, and single player items are totally un needed, same with TLS stuff.
No, my annoyance with the THQ DLC is having purchased the "complete pack" of skins (because I am a hopeless fanboy, after all) and then having so much new shit added that the next time it's time for a sale I'm stuck paying for the fucking complete pack again because buying the individual packs, even heavily discounted, is so much more money than just buying the ones I'm missing. Plus the fact none of the storefronts make it all that easy to tell which ones you have (yes, I cannot always remember, if it's not Space Marines, I care far less).

Both companies have bad DLC policies but for totally the different reasons. And yes, I find the Magicka and Dungeon Defenders' DLC policies more asinine.
mshashankr: Ys: The oath in Felghana Steam daily deal 66% off at just over $5....
This is the same price as the Steam Summer Sale Lightning Deal, so you're not paying more.
StingingVelvet: People who are only prevented from outright theft by fear of the law, not empathy, scare me more than known criminals.
Are you saying that arbitrage is morally equivalent to theft? Or that we should feel empathy for a billion-dollar corporation when they lose a few thousand dollars due to a minuscule, temporary price inefficiency?
StingingVelvet: People who are only prevented from outright theft by fear of the law, not empathy, scare me more than known criminals.
Like most people in the world today, I seem to, for the most part, lack a moral compass. Not entirely, though. It's primarily a fear of the law that prevents me from doing things I'd otherwise have little reservation towards doing. Well, that and sheer laziness. Tallima's suggestion would require way more effort than it's worth, and besides all that, I would never get away with it.

I'd have absolutely no qualm screwing over Best Buy and Gamestop. I could screw them both out of $100 each and still not be even with them. I'd feel bad for the employees to some extent, we've all been in that situation before, but I'd get over it. If I was to bother to do something like this, the motivating factor wouldn't so much be about saving a little money, or even getting even. It'd be more about the thrill of succeeding in such an endeavor. Not that I would object to the money. I'm far from well-to-do, and every last dollar makes a world of difference.

...and yet, there are people in this world far worse than I. Ours is a sick society. A few thousand petty thieves add up, but even they pale in comparison to the misdeeds of any one person in the upper echelon of the societal ladder.
StingingVelvet: People who are only prevented from outright theft by fear of the law, not empathy, scare me more than known criminals.
spindown: Are you saying that arbitrage is morally equivalent to theft? Or that we should feel empathy for a billion-dollar corporation when they lose a few thousand dollars due to a minuscule, temporary price inefficiency?
Nah, I'm saying he's getting one over on people, which is not a motivation I have ever had in gaming because I care about gaming succeeding.
The Divinity II: The Dragon Knight Saga for $5.99 deal ( DRM free or Steam ) on Amazon digital is up .

Bring this game to GOG !!!
Post edited July 28, 2012 by ne_zavarj