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Bloodygoodgames: Dude, learn to read.

As I said, I hate PayPal, but when 60 percent of my income is paid by clients who will ONLY pay thru PP, I unfortunately have no choice.

You pick your battles. Sorry if my refusal to use Amazon pisses you off. But, frankly, I really don't give a shit.
I'm sorry, I was under the impression you used it far more extensively than just to receive payments from that handful of clients. Is that not true?
Bloodygoodgames: Perfectly calm thanks. (Why do so many people think when you think strongly about something you're not 'calm', or does that go along with the 'hysterical woman theory' many men use when women have a strong opinion about something?)
Take it as someone telling you how you come across. You come across very mad and very short-tempered, yelling with profanities at anyone who doesn't completely agree with you. I find you abrasive and unwilling to think outside your preconceptions, attacking others instead of debating them and eager to label them as evil or ignorant in order to feel superior over them.

It's up to you whether you care how you come across or want to change it.

Bloodygoodgames: And actually, they could have..

They could have chosen to have the US government go to court over it, as it was WikiLeaks legal right to have their servers hosted there. But they chose not to, and shut them down instead. While that decision may not have irreparably damaged Amazon, it definitely stopped tens of thousands of their former customers, like me, from shopping there. And, when we closed our accounts, we all told them why.

BTW, other companies in other countries did refuse to kowtow to American government pressure, which is why WikiLeaks is now hosted in Europe with a company that refuses to bow to their government's pressure to "do what the American govt. wants".
Amazon is a US company, so a lot of what you just said does not really apply. As for fighting the government in court, it's not their fight, they chose to step away from the conflict and not make it their business. I don't see how anyone could begrudge them that. It was the smart play, and certainly the play I would have made were I in charge of Amazon. Now if it was MY content the government had a problem with then maybe I would have fought for it.

And honestly, whether you want to see both sides or not, there is certainly a reason for governments to have secrets and for their citizens to keep those secrets.
Bloodygoodgames: Dude, learn to read.

As I said, I hate PayPal, but when 60 percent of my income is paid by clients who will ONLY pay thru PP, I unfortunately have no choice.

You pick your battles. Sorry if my refusal to use Amazon pisses you off. But, frankly, I really don't give a shit.
orcishgamer: I'm sorry, I was under the impression you used it far more extensively than just to receive payments from that handful of clients. Is that not true?
I use it for buying games as I already have the account. Don't use it for anything else.. If I didn't need it for clients, though, I would have shut it down two years ago (their fees for transferring client payments to my bank account are outrageous too) and figured out another option for games.

Believe me, though, PayPal loses thousands of dollars from me every year as I choose to have most of my financial transactions put thru elsewhere. A bit less convenient sometimes, but well worth not giving money to PayPal.
Bloodygoodgames: Perfectly calm thanks. (Why do so many people think when you think strongly about something you're not 'calm', or does that go along with the 'hysterical woman theory' many men use when women have a strong opinion about something?)
StingingVelvet: Take it as someone telling you how you come across. You come across very mad and very short-tempered, yelling with profanities at anyone who doesn't completely agree with you. I find you abrasive and unwilling to think outside your preconceptions, attacking others instead of debating them and eager to label them as evil or ignorant in order to feel superior over them.

It's up to you whether you care how you come across or want to change it.

Bloodygoodgames: And actually, they could have..

They could have chosen to have the US government go to court over it, as it was WikiLeaks legal right to have their servers hosted there. But they chose not to, and shut them down instead. While that decision may not have irreparably damaged Amazon, it definitely stopped tens of thousands of their former customers, like me, from shopping there. And, when we closed our accounts, we all told them why.

BTW, other companies in other countries did refuse to kowtow to American government pressure, which is why WikiLeaks is now hosted in Europe with a company that refuses to bow to their government's pressure to "do what the American govt. wants".
StingingVelvet: Amazon is a US company, so a lot of what you just said does not really apply. As for fighting the government in court, it's not their fight, they chose to step away from the conflict and not make it their business. I don't see how anyone could begrudge them that. It was the smart play, and certainly the play I would have made were I in charge of Amazon. Now if it was MY content the government had a problem with then maybe I would have fought for it.

And honestly, whether you want to see both sides or not, there is certainly a reason for governments to have secrets and for their citizens to keep those secrets.
Right. Because I'm female with an opinion, I'm 'abrasive'.

Believe me, women all over the world are used to being spoken about like this when they have an opinion. Sadly, most men don't even realize they're doing it, you're so 'conditioned'.

Oh and btw, I"m not 'yelling' or hurling 'profanities' at people -- (there goes that Bible Belt mentality again!)
Post edited July 25, 2012 by Bloodygoodgames
Amazon digital :
Just got deals from EA in:

Syndicate - $14.99
Syndicate 2-Pack - $19.99
Mass Effect Dual Pack (Mass Effect 1 + Mass Effect 2 Digital Deluxe) - $9.99
Dragon Age Dual Pack (Dragon Age Origins Ultimate Edition + Dragon Age 2) - $9.99
Plants Vs. Zombies - $4.99 - Still waiting on keys for this **crosses fingers**

Post edited July 25, 2012 by ne_zavarj
Bloodygoodgames: Right. Because I'm female with an opinion, I'm 'abrasive'.

Believe me, women all over the world are used to being spoken about like this when they have an opinion. Sadly, most men don't even realize they're doing it, you're so 'conditioned'.

Oh and btw, I"m not 'yelling' or hurling 'profanities' at people -- (there goes that Bible Belt mentality again!)
I had no idea you were a woman, and don't give a shit now that I do.

But please, continue to assume shit about people and not listen to yourself.
Bloodygoodgames: Right. Because I'm female with an opinion, I'm 'abrasive'.

Believe me, women all over the world are used to being spoken about like this when they have an opinion. Sadly, most men don't even realize they're doing it, you're so 'conditioned'.

Oh and btw, I"m not 'yelling' or hurling 'profanities' at people -- (there goes that Bible Belt mentality again!)
StingingVelvet: I had no idea you were a woman, and don't give a shit now that I do.

But please, continue to assume shit about people and not listen to yourself.
LOL. Talk about profanities :)

And, thanks, I "listen to myself" often and have no problems with what I 'hear' so, seriously, am not too concerned about what one random guy in an Internet forum I'll never meet thinks about me.

In fact, I've always thought caring about what other people think about you is such a waste of time -- after all, let's face it, not everyone is going to like you so why worry about it! I've also noticed that those who don't care about what other people think about them are far more interesting people and do more with their lives than those that do.

Julian Assange. Madonna. Lady Gaga. Michael Moore. I may not agree with everything they say, but I'd choose a conversation with any of them any day over the week than one with someone who thinks 'profanities' on an Internet forum is a problem. LOL.

On that note, some of us have work to do...........
Bloodygoodgames: Right. Because I'm female with an opinion, I'm 'abrasive'.
wtf . This discussion is totally ridiculous
Post edited July 25, 2012 by CaptainGyro
Ye gods, people, can we get back to gaming deals in this thread, please?
For once, I'm actually on StingingVelvet's side in an argument. Little more than a fleeting moment, to be certain, but I suppose it's not hard when one's adversary is a textbook case of GOTIS. -_-;

Hey, remember when this thread used to be about gaming deals? I like those. Oh, well. There aren't any great gaming deals going on right now anyway, except for the Indie Royale. about that X deal on Steam? Madness right?!
Rohan15: about that X deal on Steam? Madness right?!
Anyone who doesn't already have the X Superbox is an idiot (providing they don't reject Steam entirely, in which case it is forgiven). Not that I've actually "played" them, but that's a different problem:)
Rohan15: about that X deal on Steam? Madness right?!
Oh yeah. That one superbox could keep me sane for years in post-apocalyptic Washington DC.
Rohan15: about that X deal on Steam? Madness right?!
grape1829: Oh yeah. That one superbox could keep me sane for years in post-apocalyptic Washington DC.
Pity I can't buy it, steam sale wiped me out :/
Skunk: For once, I'm actually on StingingVelvet's side in an argument. Little more than a fleeting moment, to be certain, but I suppose it's not hard when one's adversary is a textbook case of GOTIS. -_-;
Had no idea what GOTIS was, looked it up, was amused. Thanks.

You should agree with me more often, I'm super cool!
Rohan15: about that X deal on Steam? Madness right?!
orcishgamer: Anyone who doesn't already have the X Superbox is an idiot (providing they don't reject Steam entirely, in which case it is forgiven). Not that I've actually "played" them, but that's a different problem:)
I have X3 :P.Are the others worth it for the rest of the pack?.