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Steam Daily Deal: 75% off Colin McRae DIRT 2
Steam Mid Week Madness: 75% off Left 4 Dead 2

Question: If an American were to buy LFD2 and gift it to an Australian, would the copy the Aussie gets still be the uncensored version? Or would it be changed to the 'Low Violence Version' when added to their Library?
ABH20: Question: If an American were to buy LFD2 and gift it to an Australian, would the copy the Aussie gets still be the uncensored version? Or would it be changed to the 'Low Violence Version' when added to their Library?
Usually, at least in Germany, the low violence versions are different Steam IDs, therefore the gifted games remain their old uncensored ID and are uncensored. I got a couple of games censored in Germany gifted with no problem.
ABH20: Question: If an American were to buy LFD2 and gift it to an Australian, would the copy the Aussie gets still be the uncensored version? Or would it be changed to the 'Low Violence Version' when added to their Library?
SimonG: Usually, at least in Germany, the low violence versions are different Steam IDs, therefore the gifted games remain their old uncensored ID and are uncensored. I got a couple of games censored in Germany gifted with no problem.
Excellent, thanks. Guess it's time to put together another Classifieds post.
ABH20: Excellent, thanks. Guess it's time to put together another Classifieds post.
Btw, I got the UK L4D2 version gifted. So, yeah, it will work ;-). Should have mentioned that in the original post.
A classifieds by 1c_softclub_ .
ABH20: Steam Daily Deal: 75% off Colin McRae DIRT 2
Steam Mid Week Madness: 75% off Left 4 Dead 2
Left 4 Dead and the X Series are both on midweek deals too.
Roslavets: I don't think that's wise not to have a credit card, but maybe things are different in Thailand. What would you do in case of emergencies? Is your credit score good? Otherwise, it will be difficult to get a loan without high interest rates or purchase a house with a decent mortgage.
Bloodygoodgames: LOL, that's an American way of looking at things :)

I've no interest in ever getting a loan. What would I need one for? I have money. And, in case of emergencies, I use my money :)

I also have no interest in buying a house. Never have had. I move around too much, so will never tie myself down with property. Plus, all the people I know who own houses never have any money, because it all gets spent on their house.

And as far as credit score goes, you only need that if you get loans or buy houses, LOL. Have no idea what my credit score is anymore. Have had no interest in it since I left the US as, in 10 years, I've had no need for it. I don't ever plan on living in the US again either, so my US credit score is worthless anyway.

You might be surprised to learn that, outside of America, much of the world doesn't have a credit score or, even if they do, doesn't care what it is. Unfortunately, the Visa companies etc. have everybody so convinced you need to buy into their services. You don't. In fact, most of my friends don't have credit cards either and have no interest in ever getting one. Why? So they can pay interest or fees to Visa or Mastercard, when they already have money to buy what they want.

I think that's, unfortunately, the American way of looking at things and it's transferred to a lot of other people in the world. Buy, buy, buy, always be in debt and, when you need help, get a loan. That's what's got American in the mess it's in today as most of the population is in debt. I haven't had any debt in more than 15 years, just lots and lots of savings. I highly recommend it :)
What about debit cards?
Amazon digital :

7/28 Max Payne 3 Steam version - $29.99
ne_zavarj: Amazon digital :

7/28 Max Payne 3 Steam version - $29.99
Amazon is running the same deals again and again.

.. now where have I heard that before ...
ne_zavarj: Amazon digital :

7/28 Max Payne 3 Steam version - $29.99
SimonG: Amazon is running the same deals again and again.

.. now where have I heard that before ...
people said that before steam started its sale. Both services have been rather poor with diversifying their sales.
Bloodygoodgames: And no, don't use Visa or Mastercard. In fact, I don't own a credit card, Paid all of them off years ago and canceled them, as I've no need for one. I'm completely debt-free, pay everything in cash (easy to do in Thailand and most places in Europe I travel to) or with Pay Pal. Love it. Haven't had a credit card in 5 years. Never missed them.
I don't have debt, but I have a credit card for online purchases (Visa Debit actually). So you dislike Amazon, possibly Visa and MasterCard but are okay with Paypal, the kings of dicking over customers as they feel like it... wow.
Bloodygoodgames: Like I said, shutting down WikiLeaks - deal breaker :)

Couldn't care less about the other stuff, as I can buy everything they sell elsewhere.

And no, don't use Visa or Mastercard. In fact, I don't own a credit card, Paid all of them off years ago and canceled them, as I've no need for one. I'm completely debt-free, pay everything in cash (easy to do in Thailand and most places in Europe I travel to) or with Pay Pal. Love it. Haven't had a credit card in 5 years. Never missed them.
etna87: PayPal and WikiLeaks... doesn't that ring a bell somewhere? ;-)
That's hardly the only high profile accounts they've frozen, but yep, inconsistently applied moral outrage. The fact is even a juggernaut like Amazon can be shut down if they fuck with the wrong people, Lik Sang did just that, still around today? Nope. Amazon simply did what everyone else was doing at the time, not touching Wikileaks with a 10 foot pole. I don't expect them to host TPB mirrors on their EC2 cloud servers either, but I don't think that makes them "for" or "against" anything.
Post edited July 24, 2012 by orcishgamer
Bloodygoodgames: There are deal breakers to me and Amazon's shutting down WikiLeaks servers after being pressured by the US government was the one that broke the camels back. Before that, they were an average company (never had any major problems with them, never had any stellar customer service either -- just average).

But, once they shut down WikiLeaks, in an attempt to stop people being able to read about what illegal things the US government and other governments around the world were doing because the US government asked them to, I was done with them. Haven't shopped there since. Never will.
A US company obeying US laws and not hosting government secrets which could be construed as treasonous? How dare they!

Christ man... even if you are pro-wikileaks you can still recognize amazon would be stupid to do otherwise.
fursav: What about debit cards?
Have 6 of them tied to 6 different bank accounts with 6 different banks (in this day and age with how much you can't trust banks, it's best to have your money spread around I say :), but I may only 1 one about once a year?

Honestly, in Bangkok, there are 5 ATMs on every street corner so it's easy to get cash and, unlike America where banks rip you off with fees if you use an ATM that doesn't belong to your bank, here in Thailand if you use another bank's ATM the fees are 3 baht (about 9 cents! :).

I definitely have my complaints about Thailand :), but Thai banks aren't one of them. They're AWESOME.

In Thailand, you can pay all your bills at an ATM machine (electricity, phone, cable, satellite, internet etc) and, if I buy something like airline tickets, I send an email to my travel agent, she sends me quotes, I compare them with prices I see online, choose the cheapest one and she reserves the flight for me for 24 hours. Then I walk half a block to the ATM and I pay her by transferring cash from my bank account to hers.. (Most people in Thailand pay things like flights with direct transfers from their bank account to the travel agency's). Whole thing takes about 30 minutes and I have my flight. No fees, no credit card interest etc.

I've been in Thailand for 10 years and never needed a credit card. I use PayPal for online stuff but, as most things are cheaper in Thailand than what I can buy online, other than games I rarely buy anything else.

Being debt-free, though, life is easy. Plus, as a friend of mine once drummed into my head, when you are debt-free you have FAR more choices. I can pick up and move to Spain next month, take a week's vacation in Malaysia, or go to China tomorrow if I want to. I have money to do all of these things and more. Which was an impossibility when I used to be in debt. Just paying the bills was a freakin' headace :)
orcishgamer: I don't have debt, but I have a credit card for online purchases (Visa Debit actually). So you dislike Amazon, possibly Visa and MasterCard but are okay with Paypal, the kings of dicking over customers as they feel like it... wow.
Dude, learn to read.

As I said, I hate PayPal, but when 60 percent of my income is paid by clients who will ONLY pay thru PP, I unfortunately have no choice.

You pick your battles. Sorry if my refusal to use Amazon pisses you off. But, frankly, I really don't give a shit.
Bloodygoodgames: There are deal breakers to me and Amazon's shutting down WikiLeaks servers after being pressured by the US government was the one that broke the camels back. Before that, they were an average company (never had any major problems with them, never had any stellar customer service either -- just average).

But, once they shut down WikiLeaks, in an attempt to stop people being able to read about what illegal things the US government and other governments around the world were doing because the US government asked them to, I was done with them. Haven't shopped there since. Never will.
StingingVelvet: A US company obeying US laws and not hosting government secrets which could be construed as treasonous? How dare they!

Christ man... even if you are pro-wikileaks you can still recognize amazon would be stupid to do otherwise.
Wow, you're really brainwashed by the US government aren't you? "Could be construed as treasonous? ROFTL.

Right. When was the act of publishing the truth about the internationally illegal acts a government has carried out 'treasonous'? Oh yeah. When the US government doesn't want the rest of the world to know what murdering scumbags they are. (The video of the US military murdering journalists in Iraq would never have come out without WikiLeaks. A massive embarrassment to the US, as it should have been).
Post edited July 24, 2012 by Bloodygoodgames
Bloodygoodgames: Wow, you're really brainwashed by the US government aren't you? "Could be construed as treasonous? ROFTL.

Right. When was the act of publishing the truth about the internationally illegal acts a government has carried out 'treasonous'? Oh yeah. When the US government doesn't want the rest of the world to know what murdering scumbags they are. (The video of the US military murdering journalists in Iraq would never have come out without WikiLeaks. A massive embarrassment to the US, as it should have been).
If you calmed down a second you might realize I was not arguing for or against wikileaks. My point was a US company cannot ignore requests from the government pertaining to hosting classified material for the public to consume.
Bloodygoodgames: Wow, you're really brainwashed by the US government aren't you? "Could be construed as treasonous? ROFTL.

Right. When was the act of publishing the truth about the internationally illegal acts a government has carried out 'treasonous'? Oh yeah. When the US government doesn't want the rest of the world to know what murdering scumbags they are. (The video of the US military murdering journalists in Iraq would never have come out without WikiLeaks. A massive embarrassment to the US, as it should have been).
StingingVelvet: If you calmed down a second you might realize I was not arguing for or against wikileaks. My point was a US company cannot ignore requests from the government pertaining to hosting classified material for the public to consume.
Perfectly calm thanks. (Why do so many people think when you think strongly about something you're not 'calm', or does that go along with the 'hysterical woman theory' many men use when women have a strong opinion about something?)

And actually, they could have..

They could have chosen to have the US government go to court over it, as it was WikiLeaks legal right to have their servers hosted there. But they chose not to, and shut them down instead. While that decision may not have irreparably damaged Amazon, it definitely stopped tens of thousands of their former customers, like me, from shopping there. And, when we closed our accounts, we all told them why.

BTW, other companies in other countries did refuse to kowtow to American government pressure, which is why WikiLeaks is now hosted in Europe with a company that refuses to bow to their government's pressure to "do what the American govt. wants".