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orcishgamer: Screw you SR The Third, I'll wait for on sale GOTY with that much DLC.
bazilisek: Admittedly the DLC situation of SR3 is pretty evil, but the game kicks so much gl.max. without any DLC it doesn't really matter. I'll buy the goatee when it's out, but I'm glad I didn't wait.
That's my only consolation is that it supposedly has so much game play in the base game that it's worth it all by itself. Still, having waited this long and seeing 58 USD worth of DLC makes me in no way want to buy it at this juncture.

If they'd offered a 20 USD sub for all of it, then okay, I'd have maybe gone for it. They're only selling discounted packs (pre-purchase only) of 3-4 at a time, though.
Post edited June 01, 2012 by orcishgamer
Didn't see this mentioned.

Origin's having a 50% off sale on most games for the next two weeks (June 1-15). I don't really want to use Origin any more than I have to (i.e. to play ME3), but I do kind of want Mirror's Edge, and $5 isn't too bad at all.
General reminder that Amazon's Paradox packaged is ending tommorow (technically at midnight I think) as well as the Because We May sale. If you were on the edge about anything, decide soon.
markx182: Didn't see this mentioned.

Origin's having a 50% off sale on most games for the next two weeks (June 1-15). I don't really want to use Origin any more than I have to (i.e. to play ME3), but I do kind of want Mirror's Edge, and $5 isn't too bad at all.
This sale might be regionally restricted. I got a pop-up in my Origin client saying that Mass Effect and Bioware Points were half off... but I just checked and there's no sale going on for me at all.
yeah I'm not really seeing many sales on the website itself. Haven't checked the client though. Shame because I'd really like to snag some cheap ME2 DLC, so rare to see Bioware points on sale.
Post edited June 01, 2012 by Sinizine
That's strange. It's rare for Australia to get a sale that other regions don't get. Maybe we get a 50% off sale because our prices are usually 200% of the US prices anyway.
markx182: That's strange. It's rare for Australia to get a sale that other regions don't get. Maybe we get a 50% off sale because our prices are usually 200% of the US prices anyway.
Not really, many Spanish speaking countries have gotten sales and the US doesn't. :p
markx182: That's strange. It's rare for Australia to get a sale that other regions don't get. Maybe we get a 50% off sale because our prices are usually 200% of the US prices anyway.
Yeah.Just had a look myself. Shocked they actually having a sale Aussies can use....prices aren't that spectacular even at sale - similar to rrp on US and UK stores? haha
spinefarm: Weekend Deal on Steam
Saints Row 3 - 66% off
Worms Reloaded - 66 % off (Free to play weekend)
For those who have this, is SR3 worth it (likely to be cheaper anywhere else soon?)? Played SR2 and it was fun (dunno where peoples complaints about it being a port and shit game comes from. worked fine for me...)
Post edited June 02, 2012 by nijuu
It's worth it, but it's also THQ. They deep discount fast and frequently, as well as drop base prices quite quickly.. Would not be surprised to see it at 75 percent off during the summer or to have a base price drop since the standalone xpac is coming soonish.
Post edited June 02, 2012 by Sinizine
If you bought Crysis 2 back when it was around 5 USD over Christmas from they just credited some 20 USD discounts towards the new edition that just came out to your Amazon account, "Thank you for your purchase of Crysis 2 from Your purchase has entitled you to a $20 promotional credit towards Crysis 2 Maximum Edition."

I believe this makes it 20 USD at purchase, not sure if that qualifies as a "good deal" but if you like Crysis and really want all the DLC and extra content goodies they've put out for it, this version seems to have a lot (or possibly all) of it.
Post edited June 02, 2012 by orcishgamer
orcishgamer: If you bought Crysis 2 back when it was around 5 USD over Christmas from they just credited some 20 USD discounts towards the new edition that just came out to your Amazon account, "Thank you for your purchase of Crysis 2 from Your purchase has entitled you to a $20 promotional credit towards Crysis 2 Maximum Edition."

I believe this makes it 20 USD at purchase, not sure if that qualifies as a "good deal" but if you like Crysis and really want all the DLC and extra content goodies they've put out for it, this version seems to have a lot (or possibly all) of it.
it is 35 euro on steam... so a sweet deal i guess
orcishgamer: If you bought Crysis 2 back when it was around 5 USD over Christmas from they just credited some 20 USD discounts towards the new edition that just came out to your Amazon account, "Thank you for your purchase of Crysis 2 from Your purchase has entitled you to a $20 promotional credit towards Crysis 2 Maximum Edition."

I believe this makes it 20 USD at purchase, not sure if that qualifies as a "good deal" but if you like Crysis and really want all the DLC and extra content goodies they've put out for it, this version seems to have a lot (or possibly all) of it.
spinefarm: it is 35 euro on steam... so a sweet deal i guess
Yeah, but the deal is only for those that already own Crysis 2, i.e. the base game. So the 20 USD in the case of the deal is for all the extras. As full prices DLC goes these days I guess that's not actually that bad, though you can definitely score on sale DLC for less.

I suppose this edition could offer more than the copy we already have in the base game somehow (e.g. Halo Anniversary style), I'm just not aware that it does...
Post edited June 02, 2012 by orcishgamer
All the stuff for Crysis 2 is multiplayer DLC. I have to imagine they still sell the DLC seperately somewhere so if you own the game already you could probably just buy the DLC whenever for roughly the same price. The deal appears to be everywhere atm. Amazon has the 20 dollar credit, Steam has 50 percent off, and they both end the same day, so I imagine Crytek/EA offered the deal to a lot of retailers.

Edit- I'm wrong, I guess they took down the DLC store months ago. Only way to get the DLC these days is to purchase the maximum edition. Apparently there was no way to buy the DLC on PC for a long time. Great way to fracture the playerbase there. That half off upgrade should be a permanent discount for Crysis 2 owners if you ask me. Really sloppy way to handle your DLC.
Post edited June 02, 2012 by Sinizine
orcishgamer: That's my only consolation is that it supposedly has so much game play in the base game that it's worth it all by itself. Still, having waited this long and seeing 58 USD worth of DLC makes me in no way want to buy it at this juncture.
Most of the DLC is of the cosmetic money-grabbing unlocking-shit-that's-already-there-on-disc type, though. The game is pretty much complete as it is; even the more substantial DLCs (the three covered by the Season Pass) are reportedly quite short and don't add anything very meaningful to it.

(To put things in perspective, one of the DLC packs sold for €2.50 here is a set of bloody cheats of which most can be unlocked during the game itself and those that cannot are mostly useless.)
Sim City 4: Deluxe Edition is 75% off (4.99$) at GamersGate. The bundle includes the "Rush Hour" expansion and is DRM-free.

Note: Only available in the US (or through proxy / gifting; there shouldn't be any problems with regionalized permissions since the game is, as said, DRM-free.

I'm thinking about getting this. I've always enjoyed the Sim City games - they didn't last long for me, but it was always enjoyable while it lasted. And 5$ seems like a pretty good price for such an experience. :)
Post edited June 02, 2012 by Psyringe