Posted May 19, 2012

Soon enough, when the Amazon hamsters feel like running for a while, TERA should be 50% off. I myself am considering picking this up (The actual variable on my decision being whether I'll get my paycheck this week or next one :P).
TERA Online, $24.99
TERA Online Collector's Edition, $29.99
Being a MMO, you don't really depend much on amazon after getting your CD key, being able to download the game from the developer's website shall you need to.

Generally (Posting this as general information just in case anyone wonders the same), Venezuela (And all of Latin America) is thrown in with NA, in the same way Australia often is. Also, most MMOS actually enforce such restriction - I think GW, SWTOR and maybe (Can't recall) RIFT are the few ones that don't. A huge bunch of other MMOs certainly do (LOTRO, WoW, Aion...)