ABH20: Sam & Max Complete Pack for $39.95, Season 3 uses SecuROM though.
etna87: Hum. That's 50€ in Europe, and it's always $40 on the Telltale site:
http://www.telltalegames.com/samandmax This deal does not look that special to me ;)
I picked it up for $12.50 when they had their anniversary sale...
Plus the Telltale downloads don't have Securom. All they do is ask for your product key and I think they phone home, but there's nothing else.
uchos: Mass Effect: $5.99
Mass Effect 2: $5.99
Mass Effect 2 Digital Deluxe: $8.99
Mass Effect 1 + 2 Digital Deluxe: $11.99
For the curious: Mass Effect 2 can be activated on Origin. So can Mass Effect 1, but you have to use a workaround.