grape1829: I like this one:
Airline Tycoon Deluxe Good fun for $2 if you want to play a MadTV clone based on an airline instead of a TV station.
grviper: DRM?
You know what? GG's version is publicly DRM-free but the Amazon's version isn't so clear. I definitely do know I used a No-CD crack for my old hardcopy of Evolution and that there was no always-online crap or anything of that sort.
I did, however, try clicking on Checkout on Amazon, and got this:
[i] Airline Tycoon Deluxe (Download)
Platform: Windows Vista / 7 / 98 / 2000 / Me / XP
Download size:536 MB
Download time:14 - 45 minutes on broadband
Installation: Unlimited game installations on computers you own.
Available Now.
Sold by Amazon Digital Services, Inc. [/i]
I'd assume that it means what it says, but I probably won't refund you $2 if it turns out Amazon lies. :p