Not that I feel the need to explain myself or anything but I've got few words on the subject.
I just provided the way. Morality and ethics are unrelated. It's quite similar to those Dirt3 codes. You can use them or not. Here everything is legit, you don't break any rules.
Yeah, this way is to get the game for free.
I believe there are consequences of mistakes for everyone. I never hesitate to take advantage of them. Especially when someone is not too keen on fixing them (this way of obtaining the game has been known, for some people, for more than 3 days).
Personally I've never heard of IGN Prime before. But hey, now I've checked what they offer and actually there's nothing interesting for me. They've got a whole month to make me change my mind though.
"these lengths" are overstatement actually, the whole process takes about 2 minutes.
On the plus side, one person (of many, but still) decided to subscribe!
ChickenHero: Not to condone piracy or anything but if your willing to go to those lengths to get the game for free and not give money to the developers, isn't it just easier to just torrent the game since It's basically the same thing TBH. You also don't give away your account details etc and don't risk signing up to IGN.
I could actually ask you the same question. Isn't it easier to just download HB than buying 20 copies for $0.01 which instead of helping the developers actually makes them lose money (they pay $0.30 per transaction)? Yeah, morality is a strange thing... Aningan: I wouldn't be in a hurry to trust that IGN made a mistake today.
As stated above, it did not happen today :)