Fantasysci5: I have such a backlog of games, but Condemned looks so cool, and I always loved Columns on the Sega...what to do. Reccommendations?
Aside from Amnesia, Condemned is probably the only other first person horror game* worth mentioning. It does have weapons (most of which are ripped out of the scenery) and does, for the most part, give you a fair chance of defeating your enemies. But those enemies are smart and can easily get the jump on you if you're not careful.
It's got a lot of good ideas you don't see anywhere else and I highly doubt it would disappoint anyone who was already interested in it. Well, unless they were expecting a hand-holding console FPS.
* as in horror game. Not horror-themed game. There are plenty of those that are good. Just not good at horror.
Edit: I've just seen the price. Why is this even a question? Buy, dammit!