Posted June 06, 2011

When it comes to discounts, EA UK are not as generous as EA US. And to even see a 33% discount on a UK prices is a bloody miracle. Either that, or it's actually a permanent price drop.
There's also several other Sims expansions discounted on the UK site, so it's either a Sims sale or those are price drops. (May have to wait until the newsletter on Friday-ish to find out).
Either way, not really that interested in the game anyway at that price point. Sims games ... though I'd love to own them, will try and get them on steam, when/if they are still available later(considering Origin) and when/if they are ever at a reasonable pricepoint.
Yes you can. There's a special page for a Steam key for that game here: Link
Post edited June 06, 2011 by Pheace