I've decided to go with Splinter Cell and Chaos Theory. I'm thinking about possibly getting Dark Messiah of Might and Magic, perhaps it will be 66% off tomorrow or there will be an encore sale. Either way, tomorrow is the last day, so I'll not play the fool (I've already done that this week, proof of this is "pending") and wait until then.
I've heard mixed things about it. Some people seemed to be floored by it, and I even have a few people on my friend's list who have the game, while plenty of other people seem to find the game repetitive and dull, and everyone either loves or hates the combat, so I don't know...
Oh, and I've now gotten a reply from support for my Fallout 3 GOTY issue!
Thank you for contacting Trymedia.
I'm sorry youhaven't received your game details. Let me explain.
We currently have a known issue with this game. Due to severity we have included your case and escalated it to level 2.
You'll be soon updated when a resolution has been reached.
If there's anything else I can help you with, please let me know.
Elias Washington
Trymedia Customer Support
I think I might like to inquire as to what this "known issue" is. Seeing as they're just supposed to be issuing Steam keys, I'd hazard a guess that they're indeed trying to procure more of them, but the vague wording of a "known issue" would be kind of a stretch if that's the problem. It implies there's some sort of serious problem with the game, but that doesn't seem at all likely and seems like more of a problem for an entirely different group of parties.