Posted May 28, 2011

Registered: Sep 2008
From Mexico

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States

Registered: Sep 2008
From Mexico
Posted May 28, 2011

On topic, I was thinking of getting AC II - but I'll pass. Ubisoft puts that game on sale all the time, and I think I'll spend the money on buying a new hard drive.

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted May 28, 2011

On topic, I was thinking of getting AC II - but I'll pass. Ubisoft puts that game on sale all the time, and I think I'll spend the money on buying a new hard drive.

Registered: Sep 2008
From Mexico
Posted May 28, 2011
I know. :D I don't like buying from them though... because of the stupid California sales tax (I have a California shipping address). I hope Amazon lowers the price, too.

too old
Registered: Jul 2009
From Other
Posted May 28, 2011
Wow, this is just great. I bought it too and paid only 15 USD for a Steam key of Fallout 3 GOTY.

Zug Zug!
Registered: Sep 2010
From New Zealand
Posted May 28, 2011

/me is happy :)

too old
Registered: Jul 2009
From Other

LowEnd Gamer
Registered: Oct 2009
From United States

Hello, GOG staff. Please remove my forum posts.
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted May 29, 2011
So... Fallout 3 GOTY. I've been wanting to get this game for some time now, and seeing as it's $15 with a Steam key I decided to go for it.
The transaction went through and they have my money, but it's been pending for about an hour now. How long should this take? It wouldn't be the first time GameStop stole money from me (hence why this is my first purchase from them in years), far from it, but it's taking an awfully long time. Ought I be worried at this point?
The transaction went through and they have my money, but it's been pending for about an hour now. How long should this take? It wouldn't be the first time GameStop stole money from me (hence why this is my first purchase from them in years), far from it, but it's taking an awfully long time. Ought I be worried at this point?

garbage features like achievements.
Registered: Apr 2009
From Other
Posted May 29, 2011

The transaction went through and they have my money, but it's been pending for about an hour now. How long should this take? It wouldn't be the first time GameStop stole money from me (hence why this is my first purchase from them in years), far from it, but it's taking an awfully long time. Ought I be worried at this point?

Hi :D
Registered: Jan 2011
From China, People's Republic of
Posted May 29, 2011

The transaction went through and they have my money, but it's been pending for about an hour now. How long should this take? It wouldn't be the first time GameStop stole money from me (hence why this is my first purchase from them in years), far from it, but it's taking an awfully long time. Ought I be worried at this point?

garbage features like achievements.
Registered: Apr 2009
From Other
Posted May 29, 2011
Daily deal : all episodes of Winter Voices 50% off .
Daily deal : all episodes of Winter Voices 50% off .

Hello, GOG staff. Please remove my forum posts.
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted May 29, 2011

It's been exactly two hours now, it's still pending, and there's nothing to confirm that anything has changed. GameStop seems to be even worse in digital form, since most stores don't have any delay whatsoever. I used a yahoo address, I couldn't be bothered giving them my gmail address. Nobody uses premium email services. I don't get why they have to pull this shit. I'm not in any particular rush, and I'm hoping that I'll get that email in the morning, but it won't do much to ease my worrying if I don't.
If it can take up to 24 hours, I guess I'll wait until then to worry. I suppose this is the prize for crossing my scruples and dealing with one of my least favorite monopolies. On the bright side, I didn't have to physically bus over to one of their stores, get stalked by their employees like I'm a guy in a balaclava with a glass cutter at a jewelery store, and have to put up with that dick Alex and his "Don't think about it, pre-order it!" tripe. :/

New User
Registered: Jul 2010
From Netherlands
Posted May 29, 2011

The transaction went through and they have my money, but it's been pending for about an hour now. How long should this take? It wouldn't be the first time GameStop stole money from me (hence why this is my first purchase from them in years), far from it, but it's taking an awfully long time. Ought I be worried at this point?
Considering this deal was starting to leak everywhere (that it worked on Steam), probably about half the modern world was starting to get a copy there (the half that gets ripped off in pricing), so I wouldn't be surprised if they ran out of keys at some point. Either that or they realized very late that they probably shouldn't allow most of the world to buy it in dollars :)